Weekly Reflection

Week in Review

[16/05 – 22/05]

Welcome everyone to the newest Weekly Reflection where you can find updates about different army statistics and trivia! During this week we dominated all three time zones with huge maxes and we recruited tons of people! Congratulations everyone, it wouldn’t be possible without you!


Max Averages

AUSIA: 46 [7↓]
EU: 50 [5↑]
US: 41 [9↑]
Main Event Max: 60 [2↓]

  • Help Force held eight events this week, achieving the highest max of 60 penguins online at the Battle: Defense of Zipline and U-Lead event.
  • This week we organized a first ever history throwback event when we recreated the Defense of Zipline from a war with Templars! Thank you for a good fight TCP and good job Helpers!
  • Stamps are back on CPR! Thank to it, we were able to host the first Stamp Expedition in 6 months which was a huge success!
  • Helpers fought a total of 3 battles this week – one against Templars and two others against our allies, Red Ravagers!
  • Our Return of the Wild West event saw a max of 47 people online, which is the highest one for the US time zone since December. Amazing job!

[AUSIA] The Greatest Stamp Expedition
Max: 51+


Led by Barney, Ayan, Nell, Joe
Click Here To Check The Event Post!

[AUSIA] Battle: Flag ’em Down
Max: 33+


Led by Ayan, Barney and Jayden
Click Here To Check The Event Post!

[US] Mission: Tracking the Trinity
Max: 35+


Led by
Click Here To Check The Event Post!

[EU] Battle: Defense of Zipline
Max: 60+


Led by Ayan, Barnito
Click Here To Check The Event Post!

[AUSIA] Help Force Buys Cafe Coffee Day
Max: 41+


Led by Jayden, Barnito
Click Here To Check The Event Post!

[EU] Branch Battle: Triple Threat
Max: 40+


Led by Joe and Rooboo
Click Here To Check The Event Post!

[AUSIA] U-Lead: Mine Abomination
Max: 60+


Led by Troops
Click Here To Check The Event Post!

[US] Return Of The Wild West
Max: 47+


Led by Ayan, Barnito, Joe, RooBoo
Click Here To Check The Event Post!

Unleash the Power of Helping!

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