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[INT] Soccer Ball Takeover

Heyyyyy amazing friendssssss! Today we logged onto CPR for the great Soccer Ball Takeover! We waddled through the island and had so much fun.. From the Town to the Stadium to the Snowforts! Led by Kara, Nelly, RU, ROOBOO, and Joe, we had a really amazing time and we played soccer.!

Max: 45+

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[EU] Christmas Chaos X Round 1 vs Secret Service

Heyoo Helpers!

Today we logged onto CPArmies for the battle against The Secret Service for Round 1 of Christmas Chaos X Tournament which was led by Barney. The Battle went very well with tons of tactics, formations, bombs all performed with perfect coordination and speed. The Battle resulted in a 3-0 win for Help Force! Good Job Helpers!

Max: 50+

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HF Insight: Preparation for Domination [Nov 22-28]


What’s poppin helpers?

Welcome to this weeks edition of 

Help Force Insight

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Faces of the Force – Lisa

Hey Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Faces of the Force! If you’re new to the Help Force or don’t know what Face of the Force or FoTF in short is, then every week, I interview an active member of the Help Force army and write a post about them! Every active member has a chance to become the FoTF! So without further ado, I present to you, this week’s Face of the force…..Lisa!!!!

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The Great AUSIA Gathering

Heyooo Helpers!!

Today we logged in for The Great AUSIA Gathering, this battle was hosted by ACP for the opening ceremony of the Aces of Ausia Tournament.
This was Help Force’s first time battling in the Free For All style of battles and we did exceptionally well in this battle.
We were able to get almost every single Helper into the Snow Forts against the other armies and we are truly proud of all our helpers and the staff members who helped to make this battle a successful one!! This amazing event was led by our Commander Barney in VC with our Admiral Nelly leading in chat!

MAX 46+

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[US] Goalie Takeover

Hello Helpers!! Today we logged onto CPR for this super fun event! We did some amazing formations and tactics led by Joe, Mayathefirst, and Planet. the rooms were Town, Snow Forts, and Stadium! Great job today helpers!

MAX 33+

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[INT] Stupendous Stamping Session

Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto Clubpenguin Rewritten for some stamps! The event was lead by Kara/Riley! We got a ton of stamps at the Stadium, Nightclub, Iceberg, Coffee shop and Pizza Parlor, and did some some great tactics and formations! Great job today Helpers!

Max: 54+ 

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GoTW #105

Hey Helpers! It’s time for this week’s Gamer of the Week! This week GoTW is finally Vixx! Congrats! Keep unleashing the power of helping!

[EU] Cosmic Umbrella Takeover

Hello Helpers! We stood in the rain today with our Blue Umbrellas for our event on Club Penguin Rewritten! The rooms we used were Town, Snow Forts and we ended the event at the Stadium. Thank you, Monika, Wynn and Nell for leading! And thank you, guys for attending! See you next time!


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[AUSIA] Referee Takeover

Heyooo Helpers!!

Today we logged into CPRwritten, for a fun referee takeover, it was super fun and awesome event. We had some super strong formations and tactics, We went to different rooms such as the town, stadium, and cove.
Our helpers were lead by 3 of our awesome and amazing AUSIA mods Jayden, Kara/Riley, and Ru

MAX 47+

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