Hello People! Today we logged on CPA Battleground for the Winners Finals round against the Rebel Penguin Federation! We went through a strong and fierce battle with 3 rooms tied, and then ending it with an Overtime Room Win for the Helpers! Thank you for the Commanders, Rooboo, Beasto, and Jo for leading the Battle! And thanks to all attendees for coming to the battle!

Max: 50+

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Hello Helpers! Last Sunday, we logged on CPA Battleground for a Legends Cup Semi-finals battle against the Elite Guardians of CP! We had a fantastic battle where we defeated the Elite Guardians by 3 rooms, avenging our 2018 Legends Cup loss. Thank you, our amazing Commanders, BEASTO, ROOBOO, Jo for leading us to the win, and thank you to all the Troops who have attended the battle! Good luck in the battles to come!

Max: 57+

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Hello Comrades! Yesterday we logged on CPA Battleground – Klondike – Stadium, for Round 1 of the Legends Cup tournament against the Army of Club Penguin! We had a 15 – 20 size difference during the battle and we did some cool and clean forms! Thanks to the Leaders: ROOBOO, BEASTO and Jo for leading us to Victory and Thank you to all Attendees for coming to this glorious battle!

Max: 57+

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Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? I really wonder who would. Greetings Helpers, today we logged onto CPABattleground to have our Spongebob themed event! This event was such a hit as we brought fellow spongebob enjoyers together to dress up as Pineapples and Patrick. Huge thanks to everyone who attended, hope you all enjoyed this one!

Max: 31+

Comment below on who lives in a pineapple under the sea!

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Stories From The Past – A Forgotten Picture

Zipline, Scorp’s Office – Another glorious gracious day in our glorious gracious motherland. Once again, I found myself perusing the old content on the website, in search of some ideas. Why bother coming up with something original, when your original content matches the old stuff anyways, right?

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Top Five Web Posts – August 2022

ZIPLINE, Scorp’s Office – As we wave goodbye to August, we take a look at the Top Five Web Posts of the month. Which post took the #1 spot?

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The Veterans Lounge – Morty

ZIPLINE, Scorp’s Office – The Veteran’s Lounge is a column where I interview Help Force’s most impactful or interesting veterans. Through these columns, we find out more about their past and the things they’ve learned! In today’s release we have with us Morty, one of the oldest legends and founding members of the Help Force. Like seriously, this guy is ancient. Not to be confused with Mortimer Morty Smith Jr.

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Faces of the Force – Walver

Welcome back fellow helpers to another week of Face of the Force! I would like to introduce a familiar face, one you have seen floating around. He’s one of the active bodies in the staff and hosts many fun events. He has been titled Gamer of the Week and also a recruiting legend. You can see him often coming after Winter Storm, another recruiting legend. Introducing the one and only, Walver!

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Heyya Helpers, if you heard that we were attacked on CPAB – Icebreaker by Army of Club Penguin impersonated as Monsters to scare us during our slumber party, you heard it right. Imagine you had a long slavery day working at the mines and you lie your back on a nice warm bed and suddenly get attacked. But not to worry because our commander Wynn came to the rescue and scared them off.

Do you think our allies got possessed? Or was it because today is Friday the 13th?

Comment below if you got attacked and what do you think about it?!

MAX: 20+

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto Battleground of CPAB for a practice battle against our allies the Ice Warriors! The battle initiated at docks and went through several rooms including Iceberg, Snow Forts and ended at an extra room, Stadium due to some technical difficulties experienced by the judges and some of our troops. Nevertheless, through all the hassle we managed to score a 1-2-0 win! GG to the Ice Warriors. Huge thanks to Alex, Diwix and Desireus for leading throughout the battle and thank you to all who attended!

Max: 25+

Comment below the post if you attended!

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