Hey Helpers, welcome back to another edition of Know Your Leaders, with your magnificent host, The Great Stinky! Today, we’re going to interview, the wonderful and amazing 20th Leader of Help Force, Nelly! Or more commonly known as Nelly825.
Nell rose to LiT back in January of this year. She had proved herself to be worthy of being the next leader after helping 1ic Barnito throughout multiple tournaments and events for months. Nell is now the 20th Leader of the Help Force and has continued to do her job as a staff member and prove herself worthy to be in the dynasty of leaders, countless times. We decided to get some questioning in; figure out, what makes Nell, be Nell.
Jayden: How did you find HF and when was it? Why did you join?
Nell: Well, it’s a nice short story. Last year, in January, because of the whole pandemic and lockdown thing, I was really really bored, of course. So one day I was looking around on YouTube and I saw an old video about the closure of OG Club Penguin. I decided to see of there were other CP versions on the internet and I found CPR. Right that day, there were some HF members recruiting on CPR. they were telling people to google the website xD. I joined because I was curious. I saw Help Force hosted stamp segments. Later, I started attending those and then events. I started getting promotions and it was fun so I became more and more active 😀
Jayden: What did you do to get to your current position and how long did it take you?
Nell: I joined the Staff team in April 2020 and it took me nearly 9 months to get to Leader in Training. I haven’t done anything special. I did what all Staff members do. I kept being active, I hosted segments, led as many events as I could and I always tried to stay close to the people, be helpful and understanding.
Jayden: What are the responsibilities you believe you have as a 2ic and for the future, a 1ic
Nell: One of the biggest responsibilities is keeping the community together and active. Supervising and teaching others about hosting events, segments, they’re important too. Also, perfecting my leading skills is essential. I help the Commander as much as I can.
Jayden: Do you have any other experiences of being staff on a community or a discord server?
Nell: I haven’t been Staff in any other Discord communities. I had 0 experience when I joined the HF Staff team
Jayden: As a 2ic are there any challenges you see in HF right now that you are trying to overcome?
Nell: Trying to get people to work together more. That’s one of the challenges that I’m trying facing these days.
Jayden: Do you have advice for those who are working their way to be moderators?
Nell: Be active. Take initiative. Host, co-host fun events. Participate in contests and recruit 🙂 Try to be nice with everyone and respect the rules. These are just some simple steps you should take if you want to be a moderator one day. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and talk to the others mods or the leaders. Show that you care about the server <3
Jayden: Do you think that you can use your leadership skills to lead HF to new heights?
Nell: I hope so
I always try to perfect myself and do the best I can. I’d like to see the army growing and being successful , winning more tourneys
being the no. 1 army this year.
Jayden: What kind of hobbies do you have?
Nell: I watch a lot of movies, honestly. Apart from that, I take care of my plants, I like to cook and dance
I’d like to travel all around the world someday 🙂
Jayden: If you were to choose one word to describe HF, what would it be
Nell: Family.
Jayden: Anything you want to say to those reading this post?
Nell: Howdy! I want to thank everyone for taking some time to read this interview
and also, thank you for joining the Help Force. You are all such talented and wonderful people. I’m thankful for being a part of this community and I’m proud of each and every one of you for participating in events and contests, for doing your best every day. Keep doing what you love, keep being yourselves and I hope to see as many of you as possible at the Practice Battle on Sunday and at our Valentine’s day themed event on Friday <3 Love you all
And, that’s the end of this wonderful interview! We hope you got to know about Nell and who she is as a LiT as well as a member. She is online through most of AUSIA, EU and early US times, so if you see her, say hello! Until next time, Unleash the Power of Helping!
Filed under: Best CP Army, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, CP Armies, Get to Know your Staff, Help Force Army, Help Force Club Penguin, Help Force CP, HF CP, HF of CP, Stamp Helping Army, Web Series Tagged: | 2ic HF, CP Armies, CP Help Force, CPR Help Force, CPR Helpers Force, CPR HF, CPR Power Force, CPR Stamp Meetups, Help Force, Help Force Army, Help Force Club Penguin, Help Force Club Penguin Rewritten, Help Force Leader, Help Force Leaders, Help Force Nell, Helpers Force CPR, Helping Force CPR, HF, HF 2ic, HF CP, HF Know Your Leaders, HF Leader, HF Leaders, HF LiT, HF Nell, HF of CP, HF Staff Nell, Know your Leaders, Know Your Leaders Nell, LiT HF, Nell HF, Stampers Force CPR
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