End of the Year Awards 2021 – RESULTS

ZIPLINE, Nelly’s Broccoli Garden — Howdy Helpers! It’s been more than a week since we brought to you the categories and the nominees for the End of the Year Awards 2021. After a few exciting days of tallying the votes, I’m finally here to show you the results!

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Howdy Helpers! How are you doing on this fine day? I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and remember to relax too! We’re surely getting our part of the fun! Today we logged on CPRewritten on server Ascent to celebrate commander Nell’s birthday! cough that’s me hehe 😀 cough We put on our finest party items, best dresses, suits and even pizza outfits like Snowy xD, and went out to party! thank you Maya, Wynnie, ROOBOO, Snowy and Phoenix for leading! And a huge thank you to everyone for attending <3 I couldn’t have wished for a better way to spend my birthday 😀

MAX: 36+

Comment below your thoughts about our event!

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[AUSIA/EU] Team Fire VS Team Water

Hey there! Helpers! Today we logged for a three-way battle between our branches water and fire and the Red Ravagers. Thank you Snowy, Joe, Wynn, Maya, Amy, ROOBOO, Lyd, Jayden, and Nelly for leading! Great job today, Helpers!

Max: 36+

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[AUSIA/EU/INT] Operation: Heist

Greetings Helpers! Today we logged on to CPRewritten for a marvelous event! We did loads of fun tactics, emotes and formations. The event was led by Nell, Slush and Ru! Fantastic job today helpers!

MAX: 53+ 

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[EU] Branch Battle – Team Water vs Team Fire

Greeting everybody! Today we logged onto CPR for the first Branch Battle between Team Water and Team Fire! The event was a huge success! It took place in Inside Mine, Iceberg, Forest, Studium and Docks and both teams put up a strong fight but the winner can be only one! Congratulation Team Water on winning this time and thank you Nell, Joe, Jayden, Wynn, Maya, Ru, Chloe and Barnito for leading! Hope you had fun everyone and see you at the next battle!

Max: 36+

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How Would You Help

Hey Helpers! Welcome to the newest edition of “How Would You Help”. A series dedicated to bringing you through the eyes of the HF Staff Team. Tricky questions are asked to our staff, whether it be about Recruiting, Events, or even CPRewritten. I ask questions that should hopefully give you a little insight on what the staff of HF do!

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HF’s Valentine’s Day Writing Competition

Heart to Heart – Help Force’s Writing Competition for Valentine’s Day!

It’s February! The month of love and friendship. It’s a time for romance and for remembering what you appreciate about yourself and significant others. This month, in celebration of Valentine’s day, we brought to you another lovely writing competition!

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[EU] Formation and Speed Practice on CPR

Howdy Helpers! Today EU division logged into the CPR for practice event before the battle! The event went marvelously! We did many tactics with enormous speed and synchronization at Docks, Iceberg, Studium, Inside Mine and Night Club! Thank you for leading Nell and Barnito, and everyone for coming!

MAX: 30+

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[AUSIA/EU INT] – Painting Party

Howdy, Helpers! Great seeing you again! We started this day with a great event on Club Penguin Rewritten which was led by Snowy, Diwix and Tori! Amazing job, guys ❤️  We waddled through Town, Stadium, Ice Berg and Inside mine where we had fun with different tactics and numerous emotes! Thanks to everyone for attending! You all did very well!

Max: 33+

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[EU] Practice Battle vs SWAT

Greetings Earthlings! On Sunday we logged in to CPR for a Practice Battle with SWAT. The battle remained unsettled due to the problems in the game that made us log off earlier but we managed to do some strong tactics at Snow Forts and Cove led by Nell. Thank you to all who appeared on our call!

MAX: 44+

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