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Keeping Up With CPRewritten – February 2021


Hey there helpers and welcome to a brand new series on the HF Site, Keeping Up With CPR! This series is brought to help you find out what’s going on in CPR so you are all up to date!

So, all of us know that CPR (Club Penguin Rewritten) has recently launched its new HTML-5 update due to flash going down and the game being under maintenance for a long time. We noticed that there have been bugs in the game, which as promised by the creators will be fixed soon!
We also got to know that there will be a Submarine Party on CPR for which there is excitement amongst all! It has been observed that the capacity of the servers in CPR has reduced as well, the reason for now, is unknown .  

CPRs 4th Anniversary Party

This is a hint given about CPR’s upcoming 4th Anniversary party which means that we now have two upcoming parties.

The Catalogues

The igloo catalogues will be released soon, And good news guys the February 2021 Clothing catalogue is out now ,make sure you update yourself with some latest fashion!
Wanna know the clothing catalogue secrets? Well make sure you checkout the latest edition of Rainbow’s stamps and catalogues guide.

The Puffles will also be appearing soon so don’t worry about your fur babies, as they are fine and well fed. That’s all for now folks! I will be back soon with some more updates on CPR.

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