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HF Insight: Indefinite Times with Help Force

Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!

Table of Contents

  • What’s been Happening?
  • Week in Short
  • GOTW Interview and Statement
  • Army Statistics for the Week
  • HF Insight Insider Info

What’s Happening?

Welcome to What’s been Happening?! Here, we will go through all the latest server updates for the week and of course, we can’t forget the casual HF Gossip! Let’s find out What’s been Happening!

This week has been pretty humble with Events and Segments as we aced a lot of good maxes and recruited with frequent hard work. We also had 2 battles that were pretty amazing and it was a warm up for the future!

Barnito has been hosting many Krunker sessions for fun and practice as well!

Week In Short

Sunday, 14th of February 2021

Happy Valentine’s Dayyyyy!
Today we had a really great battle that lasted a few with SWAT! It was the [EU] Practice Battle vs SWAT lead by Nelly with a great max of 44+! Segments as usual going great throughout the day! Above all Love day was it with the chat while having fun time together!

Monday, 15th of February 2021

Today we had an amazing event! We started off with the [AUSIA/EU INT] Painting Party lead by Snowy, Diwix, and Tori, and we had a good max of 33+! Segments going strong as usual!

Tuesday, 16th of February 2021

Today we had some fun SkribbleIO time hosted by Wynn! It was truly amazing while Segments were getting us ready for the massive Triple Wednesday!

Wednesday, 17th of February 2021

Starting off the massive Triple Wednesday with the [US/AUSIA] Army Training lead by Joe, Maya, Planet, and Sommer with a decent max of Max: 25+! We also had good [AUSIA] Army Training for practice lead by Amy, Swager, and Slush with a good max of 29+! What a day for practice following up the last one in a few hours! Segments will always make the army grow! Following up the last massive event of the Triple Wednesday which is the [EU] Formation and Speed Practice on CPR for great practice for battles which was lead by Nell and Barnito! With a decent max of 30+!

Thursday, 18th of February 2021

Today we had a great [AUSIA/EU INT] Army Training  for even more practice lead by Chloe, Slush, and Rainbow and a max of 28+! As usual Segments going strong throughout the day!

Friday, 19th of February 2021

Starting off the day with a very fun [US] Find Four Tournament hosted by Planet and Maya we had a really great time. We had many strong Segments along the day.

Saturday, 20th of February 2021

What a day and what a new introduction to Help Force! Today was our first event ever on New Club Penguin, NCP, in which we had a really fun time experiencing it all together. It was the [AUSIA] Stress Testing on NewCP lead by Barnito and Nell, we had somehow of a decent max of 24+. As usual Segments going strong throughout the day! What a very special and amazing battle we had with our brother allies ACP! We had a very amazing [EU] Practice Battle vs Army of CP lead by Barnito, Nell, Jayden, and Joe! With the highlight max of the week of 48+, we really dominated the island and battle!


GOTW Interview and Statement

Dated: 2/22/2021

: What a pleasure to be interviewing someone who is super hard-working, learns so fast, dedicates too much, and is beyond kind and friendly. A true master recruiter they say… Volcano! How are you today my friend?:relaxed: 

Volcano: I am preety good wbu

HFI: That’s awesome! Ok sooo let’s get some fire questions beside Help Force. What hobbies do you enjoy doing?:heart_eyes:

Volcano: I love playing chess , making new frnds and watching movies too it makes me happy.

HFI: Wow that is different and special, who doesn’t like a challenging game of chess! Ok next question, what inspires you to work hard in your life and in Help Force?

Volcano: The person who inspires me working hard in Help Force is Ru she is so hardworking and she makes peeps feel good and comfortable and in my life my inspiration is my Father :slight_smile:.

HFI: That is really so precious. RU is my beautiful twinnn and I always learn from her a lot! Trust me fathers we don’t deserve their love indeed.;’) Ok sooo if you could describe yourself in 1 sentence and 1 word, what would they be?

Volcano: In 1 sentence its – I m unique and In 1 word – unique.

HFI: Totally defines you! I can totally see that in you.:heart: What advice could you give to anyone trying to aim for GOTW?

Volcano: I would tell them to work hard for it and yeah if u lose please don’t give up and try to attend all the battles , segments , events and even recruit hard just give your best.

HFI: Perfect way to put the words! What are the best moments you’ve had in Help Force and what’s your favorite thing or stuff about being in Help Force?:relaxed:

Volcano: My best moment in Help Force was when Barney announced me as GOTW and my favorite thing about being in Help Force is that people are so sweet and friendly.

HFI: That’s so so so so adorable! I can never forget that happy moment! This is true it’s a family, and a very beautiful one.:heart: One last thing in the day, What one statement would you say about your whole journey as a whole, getting GOTW, and being here all in all?

Volcano: This is the best journey i have ever had online I never even thought i would go for GOTW but Ru encouraged me and many peeps also said m an amazing recruiter and I got many Friendsand its very happy and wonderful being Help Force..I love this wonderful and happy family:hearts::hearts:

HFI: What could possibly top those amazing and inspirational words! I’m so proud of your work and I’ll always be here to support you and cheer for you! If anyone wants a friend, someone who can help you, someone who can encourage and support you, Volcano is here for you.:heart: Thank you for joining me today and congratulations once again!


Army Statistics for the Week

Thanks to the TOP TEN ARMIES by CPAHQ here are the statistics for the week!


Inside the HF Insight Insider Info

We recruited 100+ Helpers from 14th of February – 20th of February!! Welcome, all you new amazing helpers!
If you have any insights about HF make sure you DM ROOBOO#8738!

Well, that’s all we have for today! Join us next week as we take a look at the newest events that unfold. Keep unleashing the power of helping!

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