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HF Insight: The Force Remains Awakened

Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!

Table of Contents

  • What’s been Happening
  • Week in Short
  • GOTW Interview
  • Army Statistics for the Week
  • HF Insight Insider Information

What’s Happening?

Welcome to What’s Been Happening?! Here we will go through all the latest server updates for the week and of course we can’t forget the casual HF Gossip! Let’s find out What’s Been Happening!

Applications for Batch 3 of the Blue Squadron Training Program is now open! Make sure you go enroll to have a lot of fun and experience!

Once again Help Force remains awoken as we become number #1 on the Top Ten Armies!

Week In Short

Sunday, 9th of May 2021

After having a week full of events, segments, fun events, and practice battles; we had a day just for fun in which we had a Movie Night! We watched Coco by the way.;)

Monday, 10th of May 2021

Today we had our first event: [AUSIA] OPERATION: CLEANSE that was led by Ayan and Mandal and with a max of 44+; we had a really fun time and good practice time! We also had a Krunker Session beside the recruiting happening along the day!

Tuesday, 11th of May 2021

Getting back into other timezone powers, we had the second event of the week: [EU/US] Operation: U-Drill that was led by Joe, Nelly, and many HF Friends and Helpers! We also had a max of 32+! Recruiting going strong as always.

Wednesday, 12th of May 2021

Starting off the day with the [AUSIA] SCARLET SHOWDOWN led by Ayan, Nelly, and Barney and with a max of 52+, we had a really fun time. As hours pass by, we approach the last event of the day in which it was a [EU] GAMEDAY: Battle vs. Templars led by Ayan, Joe, and Barnito and we had a max of 40+! We also had a very fun Movie Night aside from recruiting and enjoying the day together!

Thursday, 13th of May 2021

Break day yay day! Having 2 fun events: Among us and Krunker, it was a pretty chill day getting ready for the big eventful Friday! Recruiting moving throughout the day by helpers and staff.

Friday, 14th of May 2021

Today we started with a SkribbleIO fun event that led to such activity to support our first Branch Battle in so long! Having Team Fire and Team Water back in the game with a massive  was truly [EU] STEAM STORM spectacular and indescribable! Led by Des, Ken, Mandal, Lyd, Rooboo, and Diwix and with a max of 50+; we had a really fun time!

Saturday, 15th of May 2021

Ending the week with a blast! Celebrating JUANITA DAYYY was a very amazing and memorable day as always with 2 amazing big events and along-the-day recruiting! Going on from the [AUSIA] JUANITA DAY EXTRAVAGANZA that was led by Barnito, Nell, and Ayan and with a max of 62+ to the [EU] PAANIK AT THE DISCO! that was led by Ayan, Nelly, and Joe and with a max of 44+!

GOTW Interview by Rooboo and AbsoluteTrash123

DM me to hear the interview audio audibly!:heart:

Army Statistics for the Week

Thanks to the TOP TEN ARMIES by ACP, here are the statistics for the week!

Inside the HF Insight Insider Information

We recruited 400+ Helpers from 9th of May – 15th of May! Welcome all you new amazing helpers!
If you have any insights about HF make sure you DM ROOBOO#8738!

Well, that’s all we have for today! Join us next week as we take a look at the newest events that unfold. Keep unleashing the power of helping!

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