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Ello Comrades! Today we logged on to Ascent for a fun Scavenger Hunt event! For this fruity themed hunt, we grabbed the newly released fruit costumes and did some amazing tactics and formations. Starting out in Town, we moved on to Forts, and then Stadium, showcasing our speed, accuracy and skill. This amazing performance was a great morale booster for the upcoming Legends Cup XI tournament! Thank you to Vedant, Nell, Ru and Amy for leading! (I led too but it wasn’t worth thanking ;-;)

Max: 45

Comment below if you attended!

After the event, our legendary Commander Vedant gave a short motivational speech to the mighty curry munchers AUSIA Division! The keynotes of his speech were the sacrifices that the troops would have to make for the EU-friendly tournament. He urged everyone to try their best to attend the battles, and display the fury of the AUSIA force even at non-AUSIA times! The first battle of the tournament will probably be on this Sunday, that is 25th July. It could also be on Saturday though, keep an eye on the #legends-cup-xi channel in the HF Discord and please attend the battles! 😀

After the speech, Ru kicked off the Scavenger Hunt! The hunters had to complete a list of 13 items within 15 minutes. The winners of this Scavenger Hunt event are:

1st Place: Walver [12 minutes 07 seconds]

2nd Place: Sam [12 minutes 24 seconds]

3rd Place: Aqualisa [13 minutes]

Here are some pics from the event:

Max Pic:

Unleash the power of fruits!


One Response

  1. […] Led by: Vedant, Nell, Ru, Amy, Scorp Click Here To Check The Event Post! […]

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