Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!
Table of Contents
- What’s been Happening
- Week in Short
- Walver’s 8th GOTW
- Army Statistics for the Week
- HF Insight Insider Information
What’s Happening?
Welcome to What’s Been Happening?! Here we will go through all the latest server updates for the week and of course we can’t forget the casual HF Gossip! Let’s find out What’s Been Happening!
We finally release the Force Arcadium update with new games, schedules, moderators, organizers, and overall a fine organized set.
New plans include focusing on in-server activity takes place from this week after the release of Force Aracdium’s new update.
Help Force also comes to and end for the HF 13 Summer Session! Stay tuned next week for the results!
Week In Short
Sunday, 19th of September 2021
Today was a free day in which we were preparing the release of Force Arcadium’s new update of games and schedules tomorrow!
Monday, 20th of September 2021
We finally release the updated version and ultimate gaming community schedules in which we celebrate by a full gaming day and party. Having numerous games taking place, we enjoyed so much!
Tuesday, 21st of September 2021
Our ultimate SESSION 7: BLUE SQUADRON VS WATER VIKINGS battle took place today! Beside that we had numerous games in Force Arcadium!
Wednesday, 22nd of September 2021
Today was also a day we focus on in-server activities which include multiple games in Force Arcadium.
Thursday, 23rd of September 2021
As we approach the upcoming events, we had a fun-full day of games and activities in Force Arcadium.
Friday, 24th of September 2021
Friday yay day! Today we had the amazing [INT] OPERATION: ANIMAL CRACKERS led by Snowy, Maya, ROOBOO, Snowflake, and Vixx, and with a max of 35+; we had an amazing and fun time! We also had fun games in Force Arcadium.
Saturday, 25th of September 2021
Today we had the [AUSIA] OPERATION: HELIUM led by Wynn, Desireus, and Mandal, and with a max of 27+; we had a great time!
Wavler‘s 8th GOTW
ROOBOO: Hi Walv! After earning your 7th GOTW in a row (8 in total), are you willing to thrive for more? If so, what motivates you to do so?
Walver: Yes I am willing to thrive for more, because the sky’s the limit
I’m attempting to break katty’s record and serve the amazing army
ROOBOO: wooo thank u so so much Walv! I lived all Katty’s times because I was her competitor at the time. She always landed 1st and I always landed 2nd Keep up the very great work Walv, I always
in u!
Walver: hahahah, Thanks Rooboo!
Army Statistics for the Week
Thanks to the TOP TEN ARMIES by CPAN, here are the statistics for the week!
Inside the HF Insight Insider Information
We recruited 300+ Helpers from 19th of September – 25th of September! Welcome all you new amazing helpers!
If you have any insights about HF make sure you DM ROOBOO#8738!
Well, that’s all we have for today! Join us next week as we take a look at the newest events that unfold. Keep unleashing the power of helping!
Filed under: Best CP Army, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, CP Armies, Help Force Army, Help Force Club Penguin, Help Force CP, Help Force Insights, HF CP, HF of CP, Web Series Tagged: | Best CP Army, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, CP Armies, CP Help Force, CPR Help Force, CPR Helper Ice Fishing, CPR Helper Surfer, CPR Helpers Force, CPR Helpers Surfing, CPR HF, CPR Power Force, CPR Stamp Meetups, GoTW Interview, GOTW Specialist, GoTW Specialist Walver, GoTW Walver, Help Force, Help Force Army, Help Force Club Penguin, Help Force Club Penguin Rewritten, Help Force CP, Help Force CPR, Help Force Insight, Help Force Insights, HF, HF Admiral, HF CP, HF Marshal, HF of CP, HF of CP Tagged: | Best CP Army, HF of CP Tagged: | Walver CPR, HF Rooboo, HF Statistics, HF Walver, Insight, Rooboo HF, Stamp Hunters CPR, Stampers Force CPR, Walver HF, Walver Interview, Walver Statement, Web Series Tagged: | Armies of Club Penguin, Web Series Tagged: | Army Statistics, Web Series Tagged: | Best CP Army, Week In Short
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