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HF Insight: Portal to Warfare

Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!


Table of Contents

  • What’s been Happening
  • Week in Short
  • GOTW Talk and Statement
  • Army Statistics for the Week
  • HF Insight Insider Information

What’s Happening?

Welcome to What’s Been Happening?! Here we will go through all the latest server updates for the week and of course we can’t forget the casual HF Gossip! Let’s find out What’s Been Happening!

With numerous Events and Segments, we are preparing for the upcoming tournament, March Madness. With new updates coming up, we have to take a moment to congratulate our 20th leader of Help Force, Nelly, on her promotion to Commander!

We also have been celebrating “The Helping Friends” 3rd year birthday! Who would have possibly imagined or thought that Help Force would make it this far but what could I say… The greatest force always stands strong and always will! To many more years to come. ;’)

As we approach closer and closer to March Madness Tournament, we are focusing on hyper segments and increasing chat activeness! Follow down below our day-by-day activities, events, and more!

Week In Short

Sunday, 7th of March 2021

More battles happening and preparing us for the March Madness Tournament! Today we had the [INT] Branch Battle – Team Water vs Team Fire vs RR led by Joe, Maya, Wynn, Jayden, Chloe, Amy, and Rooboo! With a max of 36+, we had so much fun with this challenging 3-way battle! As usual, Segments going along through the day!

Monday, 8th of March 2021

Monday, yay break day! We organized 3 different fun events! Starting off the day with our first AUSIA Stamp Segment in a few months and it was truly epic! We also had an EU Among Us Event along with numerous segments throughout the day! The evening brought us a creative US Skribble.io Contest!

Tuesday, 9th of March 2021

Today we took a break and focused on recruitment sessions to increase the core of the army!

Wednesday, 10th of March 2021

Today brought a lot of joy! We had 2 fun events that really hyped the day up! We started off with a amazing INT Among Us Session and a US Skribble.IO Contest, for which we had to use multiple rooms. Segments were going strong during day as well!

Thursday, 11th of March 2021

Happy Birthday, Help Force! As we are approaching March Madness, the upcoming tournament, we host many fun events to hype people up. Today we grabbed our popcorn and participated in an outstanding AUSIA Movie Night! We also had an EU Trivia Contest with multiple creative questions as well long awaited US Sensational Stamp Segment! As usual segments were organized along the day.

Friday, 12th of March 2021

Today we had 2 massive events and one of them with our brother allies ACP! Starting off with the [AUSIA] MINER TAKEOVER led by Ru and Amy and with a max of 35+, we really were well-preparing for the [EU] Branch Battle – Team Water and Team Fire vs Alpha and Echo that was led by Joe, Wynn, Maya, Snowy, Nell, and Rooboo. With a max of 29+, it was epic and challenging since it was a 4-way battle with a very strong and powerful army which helped us get ready for the upcoming tournament! Congratulations again to Nelly, our new Commander, woohoo! Segments going powerful throughout the day!

Saturday, 13th of March 2021

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HELP FORCE! Although Helping Friends was created and originates on March 11th, we still celebrate today because it was an important part of our history! We finally honoured our home’s birthday with a massive [EU] HF Anniversary Event led by Barnito, Joe and the one and only Advisor, Legend, and OG Morty who truly aced it! With a max of 53+, we really celebrated and had a great time! As usual, segments went very well during the day!

GoTW Talk and Statement

Dated: 3/15/2021

HFI: This week is special not only by it’s events but by someone who obtained a very special role: GoTW. Not only did she win GoTW one time, but two times in a very short period and amount of time. The one and only Volcano/Ananya! We had an interview with Volcano before (Insight Here) so today we will do something different. Volcano, we appreciate your dedication, please, tell us about your journey and the reason for getting GoTW once again?:relaxed:

Volcano: I just joined Help Force for fun but I was just addicted to it and I loved being here chatting with good peeps and I didnt have any reason of getting GOTW I was just aiming for recruits I just wanted to see how many can I get and this made me win GOTW and the hex colour of my GOTW role was black and cyan :innocent:

HFI: Wow that’s so amazing. Getting GoTW by being active and not knowing! You are truly inspiring and such an active member in chat! Can you give us a statement about your small journey on your second GoTW award?:relaxed:

Volcano: My second GoTW title was not easy to get cuz rsnail was a good recruiter but still I made it and everybody was encouraging and cheering that I kept recruiting and didnt lose hope of getting GoTW and even I liked recruiting cuz it was like dming random people and making them my frnd was just amazing I talk to them in dms and I love it

HFI: You know what! That’s exactly why I like recruiting… You tend to always meet someone new! That’s truly iconic! Thank you so much for being here and for giving us an update on your journey! Enjoy, my amazing friend, I’m sure you will become a Specialist soon, you got this.:heart: Thank you!

Volcano: Thank you for having me !!:hearts:


Army Statistics for the Week

Thanks to the TOP TEN ARMIES by CPAHQ, here are the statistics for the week!

Inside the HF Insight Insider Information

We recruited 100+ Helpers from 7th of March – 13th of March! Welcome all you new amazing helpers!
If you have any insights about HF make sure you DM ROOBOO#8738!

Well, that’s all we have for today! Join us next week as we take a look at the newest events that unfold. Keep unleashing the power of helping!

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