Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPAB for our Defense of Sparkle against the Templars. Thank you to everyone who did attend and a big thanks to Beasto and Jo for leading during this. Unfortunately we did not capture this land, but we salute our troops who stood in defense of our motherland.
MAX: 15+

Defense of Sparkle
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Unleash The Power Of Helping
Filed under: Best CP Army, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Club Penguin Journey, CP Armies, CPJ Stamp Helpers, Event Posts, Help Force Army, Help Force Club Penguin, Help Force CP, Help Force CPJ, HF CP, HF CPJ, HF of CP, Official Events, Stamp Helping Army, US Tagged: | Beasto, Beasto HF, Help Force Defense, Help Force Templars, Help Force vs Templars, Help Force War, HF vs Templars, Jo, Sparkle
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