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This Week In Arcadium | Week 2

This week saw several slightly rigged games being hosted by our tasty hosts. There was also some scamming going on as we fed each other to sharks. This week was a very tasty week for sharks.

The week started off with several slightly rigged, slightly unfair games of Skribbl. You can tell that they were rigged because Jo won both of them.

Thank you to Foxy and Devil for rigging these games for me to win. Also, special thanks to iwix, someone special who we have definitely never seen before. Iwix will come to visit you tonight in your dreams to collect the taxes you owe. Make sure to put the money under your pillow so you can take it to the dream world. It would also help if you kept your window open. It would make it a lot easier to break in and steal your money. Ummmm. I think I’ve said too much.

Anyways, later in the week, we had a fun Roblox event on Sharbite 2. Skillz was suffering from an extreme skillz issue, after not being able to find the giant oil rig poking out of the water. This gave us enough time to evacuate and leave before he could eat us.

As always, Choco wanted to be eaten. Unfortunately, Jo was not the shark in that round, so Choco would not be deliciously eaten like he wanted.

We also got into some minor accidents. No one was hurt unless you count us being eaten a few minutes later as “hurt”. Hopefully, insurance will cover any damage.

Yeah, this looks fine. It is just a scratch (hopefully). After this incident, we got together for a group picture.

Don’t you love our happy faces? Ronnie, Choco, Me, and Skillz are all standing there happy, completely safe. We totally didn’t get eaten or anything. No no no. There is no being eaten in the Help Force.

Now that we have escaped from the sharks, we can get ready for next week. Make sure to check in next week for the abundance of games that we will host!

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