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Arcadium Times

Hello Helpers! Welcome to a new web series called… Arcadium Times! This is where I will be talking about what has been hosted within the Help Force Arcadium from one week ago!

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Arcadium Times

Hello Helpers! Welcome to my new web series called… Arcadium Times! This is where I will be talking about what has been hosted within the Help Force Arcadium from one week ago!

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Jo Found Dead While Pooping

Jo was found dead after a deceitful murderer killed him while he was pooping. Who in the world could have done this?

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This Week In Arcadium | Week 5

Welcome back once again to the second month of Arcadium! This week, we had yet another rigged Roblox event and more rigged Skribbl events. This was yet another rigged week in Arcadium

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This Week In Arcadium | Week 3

This has been a fun week with the Minecraft server back up and running, and some more susness happening on Roblox. This wouldn’t be a week in Arcadium without some rigged Skribbl games as well, but at least this week wasn’t as rigged as last week.

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This Week In Arcadium | Week 2

This week saw several slightly rigged games being hosted by our tasty hosts. There was also some scamming going on as we fed each other to sharks. This week was a very tasty week for sharks.

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This Week In Arcadium | Week 1

Following the conclusion of the first week of Arcadium, the helpers and new Arcadium Hosts are enjoying playing and hosting many fun games. A wide variety of games were hosted this week, such as Skribbl, Roblox, and Minecraft.

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The Merge

The Force Arcadium is a Discord server separate from Help Force which offers games to all different kinds of players. Until now, this separation was the most efficient way of keeping each server running. Through this post, we are introducing a merger, and by this, we hope to achieve a more active player base solely in Help Force.

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Scandal In The Coconut Plantation

A scandal emerges from Desireus’s coconut plantation. After only 2 days since the last “incident”, new accusations arise as Des scrambles to defend himself. This is a dark day for coconut lovers.

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Meet The Helpers

The helpers of our glorious, gracious motherland come in different shapes and sizes. The Help Force world is just as diverse, with the helpers residing in many different environments. Let’s meet the helpers!

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