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Arcadium Times

Hello Helpers! Welcome to a new web series called… Arcadium Times! This is where I will be talking about what has been hosted within the Help Force Arcadium from one week ago!

Today, I will be talking about what has been hosted at the HF Arcadium. I will start of describing on what the Arcadium is… The Help Force Arcadium is where members of HF can come and join events that are being hosted by the Arcadium Staff. – Throughout this post I will be showing you what has been hosted on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday by the arcadium staff!

On Monday 5th FebruarySkillz Hosed something called Geotastic Throughout this game, people had to place the pin away from the specific location, let me give you an example of how to play this game! If the Specific Location was London, Your goal was to place your pin the furthest away. Without being said, Let me show you who won the event.

For once I think this was not a rigged game. Congratulations to the winners above!

Now, on Tuesday 6th February, Choco hosted a classic Roblox game of Hide And Seek Extreme! I don’t have any photos for this game unfortunately but what I do have is a photo of NeoBlaze’s Roblox getting updated.

f0xyy_p1ayzz decided to host another classic Roblox game on Wednesday 07th February, but the first game we played had me screaming at my Roblox because it won’t load. So then after I gave up with SharkBite 2 we then decided to play Hide and seek Extreme just like what Choco hosted.

But, before we did move to the new game DanPlays Revealed to jo that he is a true furry. This photo below will be the evidence:

When we did move onto Hide and Seek Extreme, JO was being very sus.

On Thursday 8th February, Nell hosted a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious puzzle!

To end the week, NeoBlaze hosted a Gartic Phone event! Gartic Phone is an online Telephone Game where we have to draw somehting and people have to write a sentence on what you have wrote.

Here are some photos on how that game went:

That’s it for today folks, BUT I will be back soon with another web series of Arcadium Time! 🙂 Next Week, I will be talking about what happened in Arcadium during the week!  See you next time and take care!


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