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Faces of the Force – Maisie


Hey Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force, the series where a new helper is interviewed as we get to know them better! This week’s face is the outstanding Maisie. 

Maisie has been in HF for quite some time! She used to write blog posts for HF, and now she can be seen in chat during the iconic Brit hours. Read the interview below to learn more about her!

Snowy: Hey Maisie!

Maisie: Hey Snowy!

Snowy: Thank you for doing this interview with me! How are you doing today?

Maisie: No problem! I’m doing great thanks how are you?

Snowy: I’m doing great too, thanks for asking

Let’s start with the classic question: When did you first join Help Force?

Maisie: Ah I think I was recced by wynn back in July 2020 :luv:

Snowy: Wow, over a year! It feels like so long ago :hehe:

Do you have any favorite memories?

Maisie: It does! So many memories, I think probably brit hour at its peak, chaos in general chat has always been fun :hell:

Snowy: Brit hour is always fun to watch :hehe: Chaos is one of my favorites too

How about outside HF, what are some things you like to do for fun?

Maisie: Whats HF without chaos? Ah outside of HF I love to swim and hang out with friends, I’m currently at uni so that takes most of my time :hell:

Snowy: Good luck with uni! Do you have a favorite class?

Maisie: not really, just glad to be doing english now that I dont have to do maths ever again : D

Snowy: Definitely feel that :hehe:

English is tons of fun. I think you used to be in the Blogger’s Club, is writing something you enjoy doing?

Maisie: To be honest I’m just really nosey and liked interviewing people to find out more about the staff and the patrons. My creative writing gets questionable I don’t know how Jayden was like yes Maisie come be a blogger after I wrote Pascal the Penguin but there we are :hehe:

Snowy: LOL

Completely valid ngl, I should give Pascal the Penguin a read sometime :hehe:

Is there anything you’d like to say to the readers before we end?

Maisie: You can probably find it on the website still somewhere :hell:

And HF is amazing, even after coming back after a few months, it’s like a family I never left :luv:


That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading, and make sure you say hi to Maisie next time you see her in the chat. Remember to leave a comment below if you enjoyed reading, see you next time Helpers!


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