Veteran’s Lounge: Kendall

Welcome back to Veterans Lounge brought to you by the Cheesiest Demon, The Scorpiest Mac…. MAISIE AND SCORP! Each week we will be interviewing our valued veterans, where they look back on their leadership, sharing memories, advice and secrets (like how to retire)! This week I spoke to Kendall, Winner of Best Sleep Deprived in the De-lice-ious awards 2020, Retired Admiral of HF, GOTW Specialist and of course HF Achiever!

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Veteran’s Lounge: Tistle

Welcome helpers to a brand new series, brought to you by the Cheesiest Demon, The Scorpiest Mac…. MAISIE AND SCORP! Each week we will be interviewing our valued veterans, where they look back on their leadership, sharing memories, advice and secrets (like how to retire – take notes Maya)  This week I stole the reigns from Scorp and interviewed HF Trustee and the founder of Tistle Tours, TISTLE!!

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Faces of the Force – Maisie


Hey Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force, the series where a new helper is interviewed as we get to know them better! This week’s face is the outstanding Maisie. 
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Patrons of Patreon: AbsoluteTrash123

Welcome Back lovely people! It’s the return of Patrons of Patreon coming at you with an exclusive interview with AbsoluteTrash123, better known as Osama, Trash or Oldie. Osama here is a Help Force General and also one of our generous Phoenix donators! Without further ado let’s get into the interview shall we?

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Get To Know The HF Staff: Snowy

Greetings Help Force! After a short hiatus due to the joys of exams, the sexiest staff interviews are back! This week I had the pleasure of interviewing Snowy, one of HF’s Esteemed Admirals and also the author of Snowy’s Nap Segments! We talked all things HF and of course Ketchup! Right, Let us dive right into the interview shall we?

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HF Patrons of Patreon: Riley/Kara

Welcome back to HF Patrons of Patreon, the hottest mini-series that brings you awesome interviews with our generous Patreon donators!  Today I am joined by the lovely Patreon donator and former Ausia staff member Riley!

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Get To Know The Help Force Staff: Mayathefirst

Welcome back to Get To Know The Help Force Staff, the series that interviews the dedicated staff that run HF! Today we have Mayathefirst who has been a HF Marshal since January 2021 and is an active member of the US division. Without further ado let us get into the interview!

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Get To Know The Help Force Staff: Joe

Salutations Helpers! Welcome back to another fabulous interview where you get to know one staff member of Help Force a little better! Stepping into the spotlight this week is HF Admiral Joe! Joe Has been an Admiral since January 2021 and is an active part of the US division, hosting segments, leading in events and much more. Without further ado let us get into the interview!

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Get to Know the Help Force Staff: Jayden

Greetings Help Force and welcome to my first blog post! To kick things off I interviewed our amazing Head Editor and Admiral Jayden!

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