Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!
Table of Contents
- What’s been Happening
- Week in Short
- GOTW Interview
- Army Statistics for the Week
- HF Insight Insider Information
What’s Happening?
Welcome to What’s Been Happening?! Here we will go through all the latest server updates for the week and of course we can’t forget the casual HF Gossip! Let’s find out What’s Been Happening!
When tragic hits: you either face it or surrender to it. This week marks a new beginning; a new war. There has been conflicts regarding Help Force and Silver Empire so as time passed Help Force thought it’s time to take some action.
Congratulations to our new Marshal Diwix, our new Admiral Rooboo, and our new Second-In-Command Joe!
Welcome to Batch 2 of the Blue Squadron Training Program!
Week In Short
Sunday, 18th of April 2021
What a week to start if not with an [AUSIA] UNSCHEDULED EVENT lead by Jayden and Barnito and with a max of 35+ we had a blast to start this week! We also had a very fun Hide and Seek woohoo! Productive days can only be completed by a good amount of segments to fill up a fun day!
Monday, 19th of April 2021
Welcome to Session 1 of the Blue Squadron Training Program! Today marks our first session! Beside having segments through the day, we had a really fun Among Us session!
Tuesday, 20th of April 2021
Today we had a really fun [AUSIA/EU] Operation: Enhance! lead by Amy, Wynn, Rooboo, and Nelly, and with a max of 43+, we had a really amazing time! We also had Part 2 of Session 1 for the Blue Squadron Training Program! As usual segments going strong throughout the day.
Wednesday, 21st of April 2021
Wednesday yay day! Divisions are back in action! Today we had multiple segments and a 3-way battle between in the [AUSIA/EU] Team Fire VS Team Water with Red Ravagers! Lead by Snowy, Joe, Wynn, Maya, Amy, ROOBOO, Lyd, Jayden, and Nelly and with a max of 36+, we really had a great time!
Thursday, 22nd of April 2021
Part 1 of Session 2 starts today! Beside that we only had segments as the war gets in action even more. We also had a fun SkribbleIO time!
Friday, 23rd of April 2021
As the war gets more intense and more intriguing, we have our troops getting ready for more matters yet to come! Starting off with the [AUSIA] Operation: Retribution lead by Nell and we had a max of 47+! We also had part 2 of Session 2! Apart from segments, we had JackBox woohoo!
Saturday, 24th of April 2021
Today we had 2 movies and a SkribbleIO session! Apart from segments, a [EU] Spring Showdown took place thanks to ACP. Lead by Jayden, Joe, and Wynn and a max of 36+, we had a really fun time!
GOTW Interview
HFI: Today is a special day to smile! We are pleasured to have a very kind person, friend, and helper in Help Force that truly works hard and is so recognizable! Hiiii SYD! It’s an honor to have a good talk about you obtaining such a special role and achievement: GOTW! How are you today?
SYD: heyy rooboo thank u so much i am good and u?
HFI: I hope always! I’m good knowing you are! How does it feel to finally achieve GOTW for the first time?
SYD: im happyy!
HFI: Woohooo and u deserve to be! So a bit far from the topic but what are your interests, actives, or hobbies outside Help Force?
thanks rooboo i wouldnt have done it without ur support always
i like to watch shows and hangout with friends mostly haha
HFI: It’s always my pleasure really! Wow that’s so amazingg! I actually love that haha! What are the shows u love to watch the most?
SYD: haha i mostly watch turkish shows wby?
HFI: Wow nice! I watch a bit of everything like English the majority and some minor languages too.;) So SYD back to Help Forceee! What’s your favorite thing about being in Help Force?
SYD: ya same. the fav thing in helpforcee is the people there tbh cause yall are too sweet and u guys became my second familyy and i love the events and games and segments and also hosting sometimes haha tbh everything about helpforce is amazing but mostly the people in it
HFI: That’s a very beautiful reason why you are very loved and appreciated in the family… Trust me SYD can you tell me why did you thrive for GOTW or was it a surprise to you?
SYD: lol actaullyy it was a surprise lmao. i was just doing what i normally do but ig i just participated in more segments and games and stuff so maybe that was why. but sometimes people ask me if i wanna join and i say no because i never thought i would win gotw
HFI: Helping just because of helping with no reward is the best kind of help. You proved that to me that you didn’t know but you just kept helping and enjoying! What advice would you give someone thriving for GOTW?
SYD: yes haha actaullyy i really never aimed for gotw but im happy about it lol
i just realised that i was recruiting everyday thats the other reason i get it so like if someone gets it recruiting at leason one hour a day and joining many stuff and then they will get it! its actaully not as hard as i thought
HFI: This is so true! Thank you for your advice SYD.. just keep thriving and giving it all. Oh one last thing! Is there anything you’d like to say to all the readers and members of Help Force?.
SYD: yes rooboo
thank u and i want to say thattt i love help force so much!
HFI: Aaaaaaaa and we love you way more! Thank you soo much for being here with me today and congratulations for achieving GOTW woohoo.
Best is yet to come.
SYD: thank u rooboo
Army Statistics for the Week
Thanks to the TOP TEN ARMIES by ACP, here are the statistics for the week!
Inside the HF Insight Insider Information
We recruited 200+ Helpers from 18th of April – 24th of April! Welcome all you new amazing helpers!
If you have any insights about HF make sure you DM ROOBOO#8738!
Well, that’s all we have for today! Join us next week as we take a look at the newest events that unfold. Keep unleashing the power of helping!
Filed under: Best CP Army, Club Penguin Army, CP Armies, Help Force Army, Help Force Club Penguin, Help Force CP, Help Force Insights, HF CP, HF of CP, Web Series Tagged: | Best CP Army, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, CP Armies, CP Help Force, CPR Help Force, CPR Helper Ice Fishing, CPR Helper Surfer, CPR Helpers Force, CPR Helpers Surfing, CPR HF, CPR Power Force, CPR Stamp Meetups, GoTW Interview, GOTW SYD, Help Force, Help Force Army, Help Force Club Penguin, Help Force Club Penguin Rewritten, Help Force CP, Help Force CPR, Help Force Insight, Help Force Insights, HF, HF Admiral, HF CP, HF Marshal, HF of CP, HF Rooboo, HF Statistics, HF SYD, Insight, Rooboo HF, Stamp Hunters CPR, Stampers Force CPR, SYD CPR, SYD HF, SYD Interview, SYD Statement, Web Series Tagged: | Armies of Club Penguin, Web Series Tagged: | Army Statistics, Web Series Tagged: | Best CP Army, Week In Short
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