[US] Puffle Takeover

Hey Helpers! Today we logged on CPR for a fun Puffle takeover.

As most of you know, CPR is currently hosting the Puffle Party. To celebrate, we logged on CPR and held an event as puffles! The event was very fun and we were able to explore many of the party rooms during the event. Click read more to see more pictures from the event, and don’t forget to comment if you attended!

MAX: 45+



7 Responses

  1. Attended the event!

  2. this was so fun!!!

  3. already top rank but i have so far hosted 2 fun events and hoping soon i will have hosted enough and come to enough events to become high command – Dest

  4. had a ton of fun at my first event!


  5. i attended sorry I’m so late to comment -Olivia

  6. […] Since the Revamp, the staff had announced special fun events for those who attend big events and that time has come when the helpers were woken up by the sound of a ping over at the Event channel. There was an [EU] Operation: Prevail and a [US] Puffle Party […]

  7. […] up by the sound of a ping over at the Event channel. There was an [EU] Operation: Prevail and a [US] Puffle Party So fly has excuses for hosting…. so Moon and Tistle created this […]

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