Hello Helpers! I am flypin1, also known as fly. I am a Help Force veteran who has seen this community go through a lot. With an important battle like Legends Cup coming up, I wanted to talk a little bit about our history, the significance of this tournament, and most importantly–what this community means to me.
We began in March 2018 when our creator Ayan found a Club Penguin Private Server (CPPS) known as Club Penguin Online (CPO). He wanted to earn stamps in the game and help others do so as well. His solution was the creation of Helping Friends, later renamed to Help Force. What was a small group quickly growing into a force to be reckoned with. My journey in HF began in early 2019, when we were still in a growth phase, but that’s a story for another time.
A major competitor of ours during that generation was a group called the Pirates. The Pirates happened to be our biggest rivals at the time. Our strife was on full display during a tournament called the Summer Bash. Being the two largest armies at the time, Help Force faced off against the Pirates in the Grand Finals. We dominated the Pirates in size and performance, securing our first tournament win.
Later on in December 2019, the Helper Exodus occurred. This is the event in which we left CPO to participate in a different CPPS— Club Penguin Rewritten. This was an important event in our history and led to a significant decrease in our numbers. Nevertheless, we were not discouraged and embarked on a journey to rebuild. We quickly recovered from the change and in July 2020, we came back stronger than ever for Legends Cup X, the 10-year anniversary of the tournament.
We made our way through the rounds, reaching the grand finals, however our 69 troops were no match for 150+ of our opponents, the Rebel Penguin Federation. Sound familiar? Yeah, that’s right. We’ve gone up against RPF in Legends Cup finals twice before. Despite our best efforts, we have not won against them. That can change this weekend.
In all previous tournaments, the brackets have been what we call single elimination. If you lose a single battle, you’re out for good. This year, Legends Cup XIV, is a double elimination. That means if you lose you have another opportunity to make your way back up to the grand finals. So far, HF has remained UNDEFEATED. We have beaten RPF in the winners-finals, knocking them down to the losers bracket. RPF made their way back to the top and are preparing to face us once again. I believe we have an opportunity to beat them, as we have worked hard to make it happen.

LCXIV Winners-Finals (HF vs RPF)
I’ve talked a lot about the past and the present, but another important thing is the future. More specifically, you. Whomever is reading this post, I’m speaking directly to you. It doesn’t matter if you joined in 2018 when HF was created or yesterday. You are now one of us. You are a Helper. We might put a lot of emphasis on winning tournaments and battles but that’s not what ultimately makes our community stronger. Sure, it’s cool to accomplish something huge. In my opinion however, it matters more that we do it together. Standing together, we can overcome monumental challenges such as this one.
It’s a privilege to be a member of a community that fosters friendship and love. We remain to this day a group that is fueled by positivity. Helping others is the most noble cause there is–period. Whether it’s in real life or a game. We continue to spread word around the Club Penguin Journey community that we are available to help earn stamps, meet mascots, and so much more. We bring people together. That is what Unleashing the Power of Helping means to me. I hope that each of you takes pride in being a Helper.
This post includes only a few events from a very rich history. I highly encourage you all to explore our history page for more information about our past. See you at the battle!
Filed under: Best CP Army, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, CP Armies, Help Force Army, Help Force Club Penguin, Help Force CP, HF CP, HF of CP Tagged: | Beasto HF, Best CP Army, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Club Penguin Battles, club penguin journey, Club Penguin Journey Stamps, CP Armies, CP journey, CP Journey Stamps, CP Stamp Helpers, CPAB Battle, CPAB HF, CPAB LCXIV, CPAB RPF, CPJ, CPJ GUIDE, CPJ Help Force, CPJ HF, CPJ HF Stamps, CPJ Stamp Helpers, EU, Event Posts, Flypin HF, Help Force Army, Help Force Battle, Help Force Club Penguin, Help Force CP, Help Force CPJ, Help Force vs Rebel Penguin Federation, Helping Force CPR, HF CP, HF CPJ, HF CPJ Stamps, HF vs EGCP, HF vs RPF, Jo, Jo HF, LCXIV, LCXIV HF VS RPF, LCXIV RPF, LCXIV Winners Finals, Legends Cup, Legends Cup XIV, Official Events, Rebel Penguin Federation, Rooboo, Rooboo HF, RPF, RPF VS HF, Stamp Helpers, Stamp Hunters CPR
help force best force 🙂
Proud to be a Helper!