Hey Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force, the series where a new helper is interviewed as we get to know them better! For the return of this series, I am pleased to introduce the first person to be interviewed – Mantiuxx!
Mantiuxx joined Help Force in January and has since become a hardworking member of the Junior Staff team, not to mention the best fake commander Help Force has had in a while. Mantiuxx has done a lot of hard work for Help Force, read the interview below to find out what!
Snowy: Hi Mantiuxx!
Mantiuxx: Hi Snowy!
Snowy: How are you?
Mantiuxx: Good! And you?
Snowy: I’m good, thank you! For my first question, when did you first join Help Force?
Mantiuxx: January 25th 2021.
Snowy: Wow, you’ve been here for almost a year! What’s one of your favorite memories from your time here?
Mantiuxx: Getting nominated for best US troop for the de-lice-ous awards 2021
Snowy: Congrats on that! You’ve become even more active since then, do you plan on going for GoTW?
Mantiuxx: Yeah I want to get GoTW before getting General, so I’ll try my best on the next weeks
Snowy: Good luck with that! What would you say is your favorite takeover / funniest chat moment?
Mantiuxx: Thanks! I think my favourite one was “Mantiuxx Force” (I wonder why)
Snowy: Mantiuxx Force Best Force xD Aside from Club Penguin Armies, what do you like to do in your free time?
Mantiuxx: I like to watch series, play videogames, baking, or just go outside and enjoy nature
Snowy: Wow, those are great interests! What’s your favorite thing to bake?
Mantiuxx: Banana bread!
Snowy: Great choice, banana bread is delicious Going back to HF-related questions, can you tell me what your favorite part of being in HF is?
Mantiuxx: Meeting new people, and making really good friends!
Snowy: Very nice Before we end, is there anything you’d like to say to the readers?
Mantiuxx: Sleep please (talking to Ausia and EU
That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading, and make sure you say hi to Mantiuxx next time you see him in chats! Remember to leave a comment below if you enjoyed reading, see you next time Helpers!
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Filed under: Help Force CP Tagged: | Best CP Army, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Club Penguin Guides, Club Penguin HF, CP Armies, CP Help Force, CP Knowlege, CPR Help Force, CPR Helper Surfer, CPR Helpers Force, CPR HF, CPR Mantiuxx, CPR Power Force, CPR Snowy, Faces of the Force, Faces of the force Snowy, FotF, Help Force, Help Force Army, Help Force Club Penguin, Help Force Club Penguin Rewritten, Help Force CP, Help Force CPR, Helpers Force CPR, Helping Force CPR, HF, HF CP, HF CPR, HF CPRewritten, HF Interview, HF Mantiuxx, HF of CP, HF Snowy, HFCPR, Mantiuxx CPR, Mantiuxx HF, Snowy, Snowy CPR, Snowy FoTF, Snowy HF, Snowy Intervew, Stamp Helping Army, Stamp Hunters CPR, Stampers Force CPR, Web Series