Food for Every Soul

Hello Everyone! Welcome back to our Third Edition of Food for Every Soul a series by Amy and I, where we interview people from Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes! Today, we decided to interview a former Staff member of US timezone, loving, sweet and one of the moms of the family, our Advisor, Planet!!! 

We asked her some questions about this recipe:

What kind of recipe will you be talking about today?

Planet: The recipe I chose is a Classic Potato Salad 

Easy Creamy Potato Salad with Tips


Can you tell us why you like the recipe and maybe why it’s important to you?

Planet: I love potato salad because it is super easy to make, super cheap to make when you’re ballin on a budget, and everyone in the South has their own recipe. Nobody makes it the exact same way and I think that’s what makes it so special. Everyone makes it a bunch of different ways until they find their favorite recipe and they stick with that and I think I’ve finally perfected mine. 

Now the amazing part: the Recipe!!! (As described by Planet)

Classic Potato Salad

» First, boil your potatoes. Baby red potatoes are the best, but to be honest any kind will do.

» Boil in salted water until tender, and make sure you’ve cut them into bite sized chunks.

» Also make two hard boiled eggs (two eggs in cold water, bring to a boil, turn off the stove, and let it sit for about 10 minutes).

» Next you need the sauce. None of the measurements are exact but here’s what you need: Mayo, one shallot finely diced, dill and parsley chopped, garlic powder, mustard powder, salt and pepper.

» Mix it all up and let it sit while the potatoes finish cooking.

» This next part is very important. Peel and dice the eggs and add to the mixture, then drain your cooked potatoes and add STRAIGHT TO THE MIXTURE. You want them hot so it absorbs the flavor.

» Then let it cook down. And then enjoy! 


Best Classic Potato Salad Recipe - How to Make Easy Potato Salad


Any tips or tricks you would like to share with us?

Planet: You can add anything you like! Pickles and other veggies are super yummy. Add some yellow mustard or some chili paste and experiment with different spices! Make it your own and try new things as they come to you!

With that, we have reached the end of our post! Upset that it ended? Don’t worry, we will be back next time with more fresh and delicious content!!!

If anyone would like to share a recipe with us, DM Amy or I with your ideas!!!

Bon Appetit! <3

Keep Unleashing the Power of Helping!!!

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