Battle with RPF!

Hey there Helpers! Today we had a HUGE battle with the Rebel Penguin Federation.

Although we did not win the battle, we did tie a room with them. As many of you know, RPF is one of the largest CPPS armies out there and a tie is an achievement for us. Today we also managed to score the highest max ever on CPR, with a striking 66+. Thank you to everyone who attended the battle and a special thank you to everyone who helped with the preparations. Without your hard work and dedication, we would never achieve anything. Read on for some event photos and comment if you attended for a promotion!

MAX: 66+


27 Responses

  1. I attended!

  2. I attended 🙂

  3. I attended <3

  4. I attended!

  5. Attended!

  6. Amazing battle!

  7. I attended! I’m Lil (lilypad19 on cpr)

  8. I attended 🙂

  9. I attended!

  10. Attended -Sqeeky

  11. Attended – Hydro

  12. Good job guys we tied a room with them! That’s actually really good!

  13. I attended!

  14. attended – brad8192

  15. I attended. Amazing job everyone 🙂

  16. I attended

  17. I attendedddd

  18. i attended

  19. i attended comrades

  20. I attended

  21. I attended-dynamo101

  22. well done everyone who attended! <3

  23. i attended ella#1773 plut021

  24. […] Led by Moon and Juanita Click Here To Check The Event Post! […]

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