Hi Helpers! Today we logged on to CPABattleground, Half Pipe, to attempt to invade the server. With Beasto leading alongside several troops and junior staff, we successfully invaded it. Thank you to all the Helpers who helped us add Half Pipe to our motherland!
MAX: 19+

Invasion of Half Pipe
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Keep Unleashing the Power of Helping
Filed under: AUSIA, Best CP Army, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, CP Armies, CPJ Stamp Helpers, Event Posts, Help Force Army, Help Force Club Penguin, Help Force CP, Help Force CPJ, HF CP, HF CPJ, HF of CP, Stamp Helping Army Tagged: | Beasto, Beasto HF, Half Pipe, Help Force, Help Force Invasion, HF, HF Half Pipe, HF Invasion, Invasion, Land, Peoples Imperial Confederation, PIC, War
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