[AUSIA] Violin Takeover Event

Hey Helpers! Today we logged on into CPR – Blizzard for our Violin takeover event. The event went well with amazing tactics and formations! The event included these rooms – Town, Ice Berg and Beach.

MAX : 34+

Comment on the post if you came for promotions!


12 Responses

  1. Attended!

  2. I attended!

  3. I attended 🙂

  4. I attended, UwU

  5. I attended

  6. Attended

  7. attended

  8. Attended

  9. I attended, VIOLIN GANG!

  10. I attended- Slushy

  11. Attended again..

  12. […] Events today! First was a [AUSIA] Violin Takeover. The event was held by Barnito and Marshmallow and had a max of 34+. The helpers played their […]

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