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HF Insight: Claiming Servers and Retiring Helpers

Hey there! Welcome to the HF Insight, or HFI for short!

The HF Insight will be about the previous Sunday along with the following Week. (i.e. Sunday-Saturday) 

Table of Contents

  • Week in Short
  • The HF Nickname Game
  • Interviews
  • Army Statistics for the Week
  • HF Insight Insider Info

Week In Short

Sunday, 3rd May 2020

Read the Branch Battle post here

The BB leaderboard gets its first point for Team Fire with a max of 27+.

:teamwater: Team Water 1:1 Team Fire :teamfire:

Monday, 4th May 2020

The start of the week brought us a [AUSIA] Supernova Takeover. It was hosted by Barnito and Jayden with a max of 25+. The helpers did some fabulous dances and tactics in those wonderful clothes.

Tuesday, 5th May 2020

Tuesday was 2’s day for events. It was a [US] Cowbell Event. The event was hosted by Kendall and got a max of 32+. Afterward, a [US] Card Jitsu Tournament was organized by Moon and had a max of 18+.

Wednesday, 6th May 2020

2 Events today! First was a [AUSIA] Violin Takeover. The event was held by Barnito and Marshmallow and had a max of 34+. The helpers played their violins all across the CP Island.

Following this was the [EU] Operation Valencia. It was hosted by Nell, Hagrid, and Hannah with a max of 24+.

Thursday, 7th May 2020

2 More events were scheduled today. First off was the [EU] Cameraman Takeover that was hosted by Ken, Nell, Hannah, and Kendall with a max of 33+. The helpers got some great footage of the last day of the award show!

Later, the [US] Operation: Moonlight had started. With a max of 19+, the event was held by Kendall.

Friday, 8th May 2020

And so it began! After all servers on CPATG, CPR and PS were reset to be unclaimed by all, every army needed a new capital. The Help Force announced its official new capital over on CPATG, Zipline. But all strong armies have land, and the HF was a strong army. So now, the invasions must begin!

The first invasion was to be done by the [AUSIA] Division. They invaded Cold Front. The invasion was organized by Tistle and Juanita.
HF officially claimed Cold Front

The second invasion of the day was the Invasion of Skates done by the [EU] Division and hosted by Tistle.
HF officially claimed Skates

Just as EU was about to head to sleep, the server was hit with sad news. It was announced that the Help Force’s very own 2ic Juanita would be stepping down from leadership and the Help Force as a whole. Juanita was a part of the Help Force staff for more than a year, walking hand in hand with the Help Force’s eras. We wish nothing but the best to our beloved JTS Queen and wonderful friend Juanita. 

Saturday, 9th May 2020

To continue the invasions, Help Force’s [EU] Division invaded CPATG Blizzard. The event was held by Tistle once again.
HF officially claims Blizzard – CPATG

The HF Nickname Game

Welcome to the HF Nickname Game! We will be picking 1 Person of the force each week and be giving them a funny nickname.

Dawnables – Cuteables/ Hoeables/ Loveables/ Hateables…… (Anything basically)



GoTW Interview
Dated: 09/05/2020

This week’s GoTW Interview is Monika, a helper from the US division that’s been with us for a while!

Jayden: Hey Monika! Whats it like being GoTW?

Monika: Well, it’s an honor first of all. The fact that I got this far makes it incredible, and I still can’t believe it.

Jayden: Well that’s great that you made it this far! Next question, Do you think you can get GoTW again?

Monika: I mean.. I guess if I keep attending to the segments and helping out I might be. I don’t mean to stop helping just because I got to be gotw and I know some people might want to achieve this. I’ll let it be as it is and hope others get to experience this as well

Jayden: aww that’s nice

Monika: :luv~1:

Jayden: what’s your highest role in HF besides gotw?

Monika: Well this week I got to major! That’s pretty amazing! being in this group has been a magnificent experience and I never thought I’d get so high

Jayden: woo yay go you! anyways for the next few questions lets take a walk in the real-life zone! firstly, what is your hobby?

Monika: Well, I love to dance and sing. I’ve been in the school choir as long as I can remember until I graduated. I’ve also been to different dance academies (I’ve even done an internship at a dance school). I also love to help people and that’s why I joined the firefighters four years ago as a volunteer, it’s really cool.

Jayden: oh wow that’s really great! just saying the video chat feature is a thing on discord so we could see some moves! :hahah:

Monika: LOL haha Ill think about it, I can teach you salsa anytime

Jayden: yes. moving on to our next question, besides your hobbies, how do you pass your time in quarantine

Monika: Speaking of quarantine, I’ve been reading a lot, a hobby I forgot to mention. My family, in general, is fanatical about books and that’s why we have this mini-library in our house.
The truth is that all the books we have are incredible and in different languages, so that helps me not to forget German or English. I’ve looked up a few and read them. I have a whole list ahead of me. I’ve also been watching historical documentaries and listening to music.

Jayden: finally what do you want to say to the helpers reading this?

Monika: Thank you for all you have done for me and I hope one day to be able to give you back all the joy you have ever made me feel. Never change and keep this group as it is because it’s amazing :luv~1:


Leaders on the Rise
Dated: 09/05/2020

Today we interviewed Mintéa, a helper in the shadows as some may say! She isn’t in chats but she is always there for events. After being last week’s GoTW, we had to interview her! Mintéa is also a helper from the US division!

Jayden: Hey Mintéa! To start things off, how long have you been in the help force?

Mintéa: I’ve been in Help Force since late March, so around 2 months but it doesn’t feel that long LOL

Jayden: What is your current rank in HF?

Mintéa: Warrant Officer

Jayden: oooo I see you are up there huh?

Mintéa: Yeah I’ve really had a lot of spare time since Quarantine and everything

Jayden: what do you think about HF as a whole?

Mintéa: I think it’s a really nice community especially when people join everyone gives such a warm welcome and even when you achieve rec of seg or gotw everyone congratulates you. Help Force as a whole is an amazing army I think everyone appreciates.

Jayden: Oh that’s really nice haha. for these next few questions let’s jump out of club penguin! What are your hobbies?

Mintéa: I really like sewing or just hanging out with friends anything to get out of the house really.

Jayden: Oh wow! I’ve not seen many people who like to sew. It seems pretty fun! So, how are you spending this quarantine.

Mintéa: Mostly trying to binge-watch a few series or movies since there isn’t really that much to do

Jayden: oh lol same, anyways onto the next question! What’s your favorite color?

Mintéa: Mint! Minty green is my favorite color

Jayden: oh how did i not see that coming….

Mintéa: LOL

Jayden: okay onto my final question! The usual LoTR question! Anything you would like to say to those reading this?

Mintéa: If you aim for something, never stop trying, you’ll get there!

Army Statistics for the Week

Thanks to the CPAM Top Ten here are the statistics for the week! Make sure to read the HF Weekly Reflection as well.

Inside the HF Insight Insider Info

We recruited 100+ Helpers from 3rd to 9th May!! Welcome, all you new amazing helpers!
If you have any insights about HF make sure you DM me!

Well, that’s all we have for today! Join us next week as we take a look at the newest events that unfold. Keep unleashing the power of helping!


HFI Writers: Alexei and Jayden

Issue #13

5 Responses

  1. Nice insight, now give me my cookie please

  2. Toodles Juanita 🙁

  3. Overall it was a great week! OOH EEH OOH AAH AAH TING TANG WALLA WALLA BING BANG :salute:

  4. GIMME DA COOKIE, btw i liked the insight, BUT I WANT THE COOKIE

  5. !!!❤️

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