Hey Helpers! Today we had an Operation: Extravagance Event!
For our Wednesday Event, we logged onto CPATG and did many well-done formations and bombs with the EU Division. The tactics were done swiftly and we managed to Max 31+.

MAX: 31+

Comment Below for Points If you attended the Event!

21 Responses

  1. I attended!

  2. I attended

  3. I attended (:

  4. I attended. Sad mo

  5. points pls. was there. just under the ski hill. can’t miss me 😉

  6. revise our extravagance :flop:

  7. Attended :)))

  8. Let’s make HF great again! I love you all and I appreciate your efforts! <3

  9. Attended!

  10. i was there x

  11. i was there – Dest
    p.s. what does revise our extravagance mean?

  12. I was there!

  13. i was there

  14. attended ripa3sagoli6

  15. I attended

  16. I attended

  17. I attended, my name is ButZyy

  18. I attended! I’m Lil (lilypad19 on cpatg)

  19. Attended. -Shine

  20. I attended – Marsh

  21. […] Click Here To Check Out The Event Post! […]

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