Hello lovely people! Today’s Dynasty House post is definitely a special one, as I will be presenting to you the interview I did with one of the amazing former HF staff members, Scorpion Demon. Everyone relax and enjoy reading, cause this one is going to be a long ride!!!
Food for Every Soul
Hello Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this one, I decided to interview a formal og member and staff member, her dedication, friendship and always being considerate, our HF Corporal: Traffic!
The HF Beacon
ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!
Help Force Daily: March to Victory!
Hello Helpers! As you all know we have reached the Finals in the March Madness tournament, and as we march closer to the grand battle day against the Rebel Penguin Federation, let us look at how the Helpers have been preparing themselves for the battle.
The Dynasty House – Racoco
Hello there Helpers and welcome to today’s post, where we interview some people who achieved so much in the community, and especially earned the dynasty role. Today’s guest is one of a kind, as he is known for being a goofy generous Raccoon who always steals from the HF kitchen, in order to feed his fellow staff members. Ladies and gentlemen welcome today’s interview guest, Racoco!
Animal Interview – Nell
Hey Helpers! Welcome to another post of the Animal Interview, in which I interview the Helpers about their pets and get to know more about them!
The HF Beacon
ZIPLINE, Editor’s Table — Welcome back, Helpers, to the newest edition of The Help Force Beacon. After an exciting week of events, we bring to you HF’s weekly dose of entertainment!