The Dynasty House: Legendary Helpers – Spotty803

Welcome back folks! We are back with more “legendary” Interviews haha… ahem… not funny I guess. Anyways, today we will be interviewing one of the very well-known former Commanders in the Community, as her success in the Community earned her the Legend status. Let us clap together for the amazing Help Force cow lover, Spotty.

Spotty joined HF in summer 2018 and ranked up to commander by January 2019. She was an active staff member and a pillar of the EU community in HF, and helped the army to achieve amazing heights as one of the Triads (Ayan, Elp & Spotty). She has led the army through amazing events that ended up with a Victory like the Summer Bash 2019 Tournament and led the army in many wars throughout her Leadership like the Templars War in 2019. If you want to know more about her history, Check out her Hall of Fame summary.

Hello Spotty, How are you doing?

Heyyy, I’m good thanks, wbu?

I’m doing amazing ty, can you please start by telling us how did you join the Help Force?

So I originally found Help Force back in March 2018, just a week after they opened. At the time they were just a server for collecting stamps and I found them in the iceberg where they helped achieve the mining on the berg stamp.

Did they recruit you or you asked to join?

I’m fairly sure it was mentioned in the Club Penguin Online main chat or something with it being mentioned if anyone wanted a stamp to go to the berg, so I did. The server was then mentioned to me in game where I expressed my interest which led to an invite in dms.

Do you feel proud of how much you have achieved so far in the Help Force?

Oh definitely, when I joined Help Force I had no experience with armies at all. Additionally, back then I was promoted from low mod straight to leader which was a massive jump, so I had to learn the job on the go. For example, Ayan contacted me an hour before my first battle, informing me that I was going to lead it. Learning as I went helped me not only to become more confident, but also helped us create a Help Force family.

So how did you become a Legend in the Help Force?

So it was actually announced that I was to be made a legend on my birthday back in 2019, due to my contributions and commitment. During the year of 2019 I helped the army through multiple wars against armies such as the Pirates and Templars, in addition to helping win the Summer Bash. Moreso, under my leadership Help Force reached their highest max at the time which was 88 troops at our Candy Corn Takeover.

What was your most favorite moment in the Help Force during your leadership?

Oh god I definitely had a few, from our random army weddings and takeover events. However, I have always deemed one moment as being my most favourite moment in armies, even to this day. Without a doubt it has to be the Harry Potter week in 2019. At the time I was leading the Gryffindor house and honestly it was just such a lovely and joyful week. That week helped bring everyone in the army closer together, as both new and old troops had fun in their houses, marking the beginning of long-lasting friendships and memories.

What else do you do in your free time outside of the CPA world?

Currently I’ve been focusing more on university as I have my final exams this week. After that summer officially commences, meaning that I will be moving back home where I can spend time with my family and pets, before my graduation in July.

Who do you consider your closest friends in the Help Force?

So these days when I do speak I’m usually found in the Dynasty chat talking to both old and new vets. Although, people from the army that I still talk to frequently would probably be Beasto and Rooboo who I’ve known since 2019 when he joined the army.

As a former HF Commander, how do you consider that a staff is doing a great job?

Realistically if a staff member is active in attendance recruiting but also having fun then they can be deemed as doing a great job. Obviously you need to be active as staff, but it is also important to remember that no one is being paid, we are all here to have fun so ensuring that happens is definitely important.

If you were asked to return as a Commander in the community but you have to bring one of the former commanders with you, who would you bring?

Oh damn you really did go there. Realistically I’d say it had to be Ayan. Despite us arguing a lot we did actually work well together to ensure that Help Force was a successful army, whilst also making sure everyone had fun.

To end this lovely interview, what would you like to say to the fellow people reading this Post?

Just remember at the end of the day you’re apart of this community to have fun and make happy memories. Make sure to cherish your time, and definitely don’t be shy to get involved.

Thank you Spotty for this amazing Interview, it was very fun. Make sure to like and comment below if you enjoyed reading this post! Till the next Legendary Interview!

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