Hey Helpers! Welcome to another post of the Animal Interview, in which I interview the Helpers about their pets and get to know more about them.
Today, I’m going to interview one of our beloved OGs. Traffy Light and I’m going to ask them a couple of questions about their pet! If you want to participate in this series, just DM f0xyy_p1ayzz with a photo of your animal and some details about it!
Hii Foxxy! I’m good how are you?
Of course!
This was my beautiful baby Pogle, we adopted him from the local animal shelter in march 2011, when I was 8 and he was 2, he passed away unfortunately on august 24th 2018
Are you alright with me asking couple questions about Pogle?
Of course!
At that point our previous cat Olivia had passed away, we gave it some time to heal until me and my siblings and my mom wanted another cat. We drove to the shelter and looked around and as we were walking around looking at the different cats I remember looking at Pogle and going up to pet him. The lady at the shelter warned me that he wasn’t particularly good with children and at that point he licked my hand so we knew he was the one. I believe we gave it around about a year until we got another cat. I was too young to understand as I was only about 7 when Olivia passed away.
My best memory.. hmm.. there’s one that springs to mind, I believe I was about 11-12 a couple years after we adopted him. I woke up during the night because of a nightmare, I stretched behind me and my hand landed in a patch of fur. Pogle somehow had snuck upstairs (even though he wasn’t allowed as me and my siblings are pretty asthmatic) and he fell asleep on the back of my pillow. He woke up as soon as I put my hand on him and seeing I was distraught stayed with me while I was calming down and pet him and only when I had calmed down he walked downstairs probably to pretend he had been sleeping in his bed instead of mineit shocked me he was there as I’m a tosser and turner when I sleep and for him to have stayed there on the back of my pillow while I was tossing proves just how loyal and loving he was to all of us.
He absolutely loved his food, he used to have wet food twice a day, and a bowl of dry biscuits that we topped up when we noticed it was low, and a water dish that was probably the most unused thing therewhenever I used to help my mom make my tuna sandwiches I may have also sneaked him some of that a few times. He also used to get treats like when he was really good with our other pets in the house he’d get a great stick or dreamies.
We may have spoiled him
Uh.. at the moment probably not, we have my nephew in the house and with his autism he tends to be a little rough to animals without realising and it would take him a while to adapt, and I wouldn’t really want to put any animal through that. Maybe one day when I move out but I don’t think there will ever be any pet that could amount to Pogle especially with his loyalty and his love. He was truly one of a kind. I think what also surprised me with Pogle was how good he was with the other pets we had in the house at time so maybe something about thatwe managed to find a hamster of a neighbours thanks to him
Because I know that cats do scratch people sometimes.
He used to give warning ones, where he’d put his paw beans on you or give you a little scratch when he had enough of me carrying him and wanted me to put him down. The only ever other incident I can remember is when I was 13? And I was in the garden watching him and all of a sudden my neighbours dog who was off the lead came bounding up the path to him and I instantly picked him up and went to take him inside. The dog wouldn’t stop jumping up to him in my arms and it was a adult Labrador if I remember right so nothing small or anything. I clung onto Pogle as the dog was so much bigger than him and I remember Pogle trying to jump down and attack the dog and in the moment scratching my arms maybe 3-4? Times. My neighbour got my dog after like 5 minutes of this and clipped his lead back on and walked off, when the coast was clear I let him down and all I remember is him just nuzzling my arm afterwards and idk if it was me but his eyes appeared to be watery, his eyes always watered when he saw any of us upset.
Idk if cats eyes could even water but he had the emotions of a human so anytime I was Ill or upset his eyes just appeared to water and he’d stay by me the whole day
Thank you!it was an awesome interview
That’s it for today people BUT I will be back soon! 🙂 If you do want to be in a blog like this, why not DM f0xyy_p1ayzz with a picture of your animal and some details about it? See you next time and take care!

Filed under: Animal Interview, Best CP Army, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Help Force Army, Help Force Club Penguin, Help Force CP, HF CP, Web Series Tagged: | Animal Interview, Cat, Column, Foxy HF, Help Force Web Series, HF, HF CP, Traffy HF, Web Series
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