2022 Sapphires for Change Results

Greetings Helpers and a Happy new year! Today I’m here to bring you the results of our first ever Sapphires for Change event that occurred throughout of December 2022! The activity brought forth many generous Helpers to donate their earned Christmas Sapphires from various events to the pool. With the allowing of converting normal Sapphires into Xmas Sapphires, some even converted their whole bank of Sapphires to be donated! Huge props to everyone who partook and donated, make sure to check out below for the results!

With the huge amounts of donations, there would be of course rewards for donating as well. There we’re first rewards for individual donations whereby individual rewards we’re achieved by donating a total of 5k, 20k and 50k Christmas Sapphires.

A total of 46 Helpers participated in donating this month!
26 of which achieved all 3 tiers of individual donations!
Below are the final standings for all the donators.

And now we move on to the community section! There we’re 3 tiers of rewards that we’re to be achieved by reaching the donation pool to a total of 750k, 1 Million and 2 Million donated!

We reached the first tier on the 13th of December which unlocked a Custom Sticker Giveaway and External Emote perms Giveaway!

We reached the second tier on the 18th of December which unlocked Xbox Gamepasses and Custom emote giveaways!

and last but not least, we reached the third tier on the 28th of December unlocking Nitros, 10$ Giftcard and Custom role giveaways!

Lastly to send it all off, the community raised Christmas Sapphires to the point where the Commanders matched in donations for real life purposes. We encourage all of you as well to join us in supporting real life causes!

Once again, a huge thank you to everyone who participated and worked together to make this activity a success. Wishing you all a Happy New Year and an amazing year ahead!

5 Responses

  1. Coconut

  2. […] masteryoda2 on 2022 Sapphires for Change Results […]

  3. […] 2022 and during the same time as the Rebels, Help Force also hosted Sapphires for Change throughout the month of December, which saw 46 Helpers donate their Sapphires, […]

  4. […] 2022 and during the same time as the Rebels, Help Force also hosted Sapphires for Change throughout the month of December, which saw 46 Helpers donate their Sapphires, […]

  5. […] on the community’s spirit of compassion and activism, Help Force upheld its commitment to social responsibility in December 2022 with Sapphires for Change. This initiative transformed virtual Sapphires into […]

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