Salutation Helpers. Today we logged onto Ice Breaker of CPABattleground for the one and only Semi Finals of the Christmas Chaos against the Rebel Penguin Federation. We’ve managed to fight hard today really put up one heck of a battle for them today although the results ended in a 1-1-2 win for the Rebels this time. Huge thanks to the Helpers that took their time to attend today, we could’ve never made a pretty impressive result without you guys! Huge thanks to all the staff and their hard work, as well as my fellow Commanders for leading amazingly today! GGs to the Rebels. The road doesn’t end here, cheers to more!

Max: 32+

Comment below if you attended!

Max Pic: 

Continue to Unleash the Power of Helping, Helpers.

Commander of the Help Force


2 Responses

  1. great battle!

  2. I attended and wow, 32 that’s impressive

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