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Faces of the Force – Pantera


Hey Helpers! Welcome back to Faces of the Force, the series where a new helper is interviewed as we get to know them better! This week’s face is the amazing Pantera

Pantera joined HF very recently and has quickly become one of the most active people in chat. You can recognize him by his iconic Perry the Platypus pfp. Read the interview below to learn more about him!

Snowy: Hey Pantera!

Pantera: hey

Snowy: Thank you for doing this interview with me! How are you doing today?

Pantera: I’m doing great and you?

Snowy: I’m doing great too, thanks for asking. Let’s start with the classic question: When did you first join Help Force?

Pantera: I don’t remember, a week ig

Snowy: I feel like I’ve seen you here longer somehow :hehe:

You got very active very quickly, what’s one of your favorite parts of being in Help Force?

Pantera: everyone is friendly and funny

I feel great talking to everyone

Snowy: That’s awesome, I’m glad to hear that :luv:

What are some things you enjoy doing irl?

Pantera:  I mean… I almost never leave home

but I’m always with my friends in vc, literally doing call rn, playing games and that

Snowy: I can definitely relate XD

That’s really cool, what game are you playing?


ahm… not a good one xD

bad eggs 2, a mobile one cause its already 2 am

but we usually play brawlhalla or rocket league

Snowy: LOL

I’m not familiar with bad eggs or brawlhala, but rocket league is pretty fun

Do you game a lot?

Pantera: oh yea a lot, but there is always time to some anime

Snowy: There definitely is :hehe:

What’s your favorite anime?

Pantera: can’t tell

maybe aot, maybe one piece, maybe demon slayer

Snowy: I’ve heard a lot about aot, I should give it a try one day

Is there anything you’d like to say to the readers before we end?

Pantera: well if they r reading and still didn’t join cpr they should

That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading, and make sure you say hi to Pantera next time you see him in the chat. Remember to leave a comment below if you enjoyed reading, see you next time Helpers!

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