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Get To Know The HF Staff: Snowy

Greetings Help Force! After a short hiatus due to the joys of exams, the sexiest staff interviews are back! This week I had the pleasure of interviewing Snowy, one of HF’s Esteemed Admirals and also the author of Snowy’s Nap Segments! We talked all things HF and of course Ketchup! Right, Let us dive right into the interview shall we?

Maisie: Hey Snowy!

Snowy: Hey Maisie!

Maisie: How are you doing today?

Snowy: I’m doing good, thank you! How are you?

Maisie: I’m great! Thank you so much for doing this interview! To start us off could you introduce yourself to the readers?

Snowy: Sure! I’m Snowy, an admiral in HF. You’ve probably seen me in vc or in the chats before :smile:

Maisie: Amazing, take us back when did you join HF?

Snowy: I joined back in August 2018. I’m not sure what the exact day is, but I know it’s somewhere in the middle of the month

Maisie: Oh wow that’s so long! What would you say has been most memorable from your time in HF?

Snowy: So many things :smile:. If I had to pick one, though, I’d go with April Fools 2019. Juanita and I switched pfps and names, it was a blast XD

Maisie: Aw that sounds so fun! How long did it take you to make staff and have you got any tips for those who want to eventually become staff?

Snowy: I got staff about 6 months after I joined, around 5 months after I became active. For those of you who are aiming for staff: stay active, attend events, and do your best to keep the chat alive :panthumbsup:

Maisie: Amazing, outside of HF what do you enjoy doing?

Snowy: I enjoy watching movies, listening to music, reading, and, of course, cooking!

Maisie: Ah yes cooking! Have you got any ketchup recipes that you can share with us??

Snowy: No :mad:

Maisie: It was worth a try :hehe~1:

Snowy: xD

Maisie: What would you say your greatest achievement is?

Snowy: Getting a blackbelt felt like a pretty big accomplishment! It took quite a few years :smile:

Maisie: Oh wow that’s amazing! If you could play one song for the whole of HF on VC what would it be?

Snowy: The pina colada song :juanhue:

Maisie: Oh a classic for sure, before we go have you got anything you would like to tell the readers?

Snowy: Long live the rats, no ketchup ty, and remember to wash your hands :panthumbsup:

Maisie: Thank you so much Snowy!!!

Snowy: Thank you for the interview! :luv:

And there we have it, folks! Unfortunately no Ketchup recipes today but be sure to tune in next time to get to know more of the fabulous HF Staff!

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