[Ausia] Invasion Of Blizzard – Success

Hey helpers! Earlier, Help Force logged onto Blizard to invade one of RFCP’s servers, Blizzard!

RFCP didn’t bother showing up. The event went great with everyone doing the tactics and formations neatly as well as deftly! Here are some images from the event:

MAX: 28+




18 Responses

  1. I attended!!

  2. I attended

  3. I was there! Amazing event!

  4. attended!

  5. I attended

  6. I attended, gj to everyone that came!

  7. Good job everyone, we could have gotten more than that, but like last time, RFCP didnt even show anyways, so still better than 0!

  8. i was there, gj everyone ^.^

  9. Attended!

  10. ripa3sagoli6^

  11. Attended!

  12. I attented – storm (naji2)

  13. I attended

  14. I attended comrades

  15. GG HF!

  16. Late to comment, but I attended!

  17. […] Click Here To Check Out The Event Post! […]

  18. […] wonderful invasions were held today that marked the end of our invasions of RFC(PEE) servers. The [AUSIA] Division invaded the popular Blizzard with a 28+ Max and showed off its wonderful tactics and formations! We are happy to say that this […]

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