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Veteran’s Lounge: Kendall

Welcome back to Veterans Lounge brought to you by the Cheesiest Demon, The Scorpiest Mac…. MAISIE AND SCORP! Each week we will be interviewing our valued veterans, where they look back on their leadership, sharing memories, advice and secrets (like how to retire)! This week I spoke to Kendall, Winner of Best Sleep Deprived in the De-lice-ious awards 2020, Retired Admiral of HF, GOTW Specialist and of course HF Achiever!

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Mission Machete – I

A gloomy atmosphere had set in, as firmly lodged in as a dog digging down a rabbit hole. The rainstorm caused by the invading Water Vikings stopped three days ago, but the skies hadn’t cleared up yet. It was evening now, and Scorp’s office was starting to get darker. He finally laid down the pen that hadn’t rested since seven hours now. Unlike the rest of the staff, he preferred writing out battle plans and reports on paper. The clock began beeping at the exact moment he kept the pen down. It was 4:30 pm. Thirty minutes before Elp’s daily pings. This was the time to go enjoy a cup of coffee. Once Elp arrived, Joe and Jayden would start overloading the canteen, ordering cold coffees and fresh virgin pina coladas for the Great Lice. He filed the papers, picked up his keys and exited the office. As he locked the doors, the various sounds that filled the headquarters began making themselves more prominent. An engine was revving in Desireus’ office. It was always a wonder how he managed to get engines and vehicles into his office. Maya’s office, located two doors away, seemed to be the source of some very sus noises. “Yikes – it’s better to not investigate that”, he thought to himself. Somewhere, a cat screamed and knocked something over. “Is Ayan kicking Snowy’s cats again?” After a pause, he laughed and said out loud, “Obviously”.

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CP Knowledge: Herbert

Welcome back to another post of CP Knowledge where I’m going to tell you the history of a mischievous duo, Herbert and Klutzy, how both of them met on Club Penguin, and how their partnership turned into a massive takeover we’ve all heard and seen about, and that’s how Operation Blackout, PSA, and the EPF came known when Herbert realized he could take over the island with the help of a crab.

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Faces of the Force – Raona

Welcome back to this week’s Faces of the Force! This week, we have an active but elusive member of Help Force. She is an fresh new face who showcased her great dedication and commitment! She’s also steadily ranking up and could potentially become staff soon! Introducing this week to the Faces of the Force, Help Force Captain Raona!

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Double Trouble – Scorpion Demon and Desireus

Editor’s Note: This post has been heavily edited to remedy the writer’s absolute lack of writing skills and grammar. 

Bello Helpers! I hope that things are going well for you and you’ve met tons of new friends already. This week, we are back with Double Trouble, in which we interview two people who often cause trouble together. I’m Ru, the former Admiral and the current Cabinet Secretary! I am carrying out Dhanush (rip) and PinguMaliz’s will to keep this trending blog alive. We are joined today by the dynamic team known as Scorpion Demon and Desireus. How did they become friends? Are they chaotic or only about cars?


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Jellyfish’s Stinky Polls – The Junior Stink

Stinky, Stinky, Stinky! That’s what everyone is. But today, there’s an extra stink among the Juniors of HF… And Ru of course. I mean… Look at her. Yikes! You can smell it from so far away. Obviously, if you want to be a significant member of the Help Force, we need to check on your definitely valid opinions (lmao).

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Food for Every Soul


Heyyy Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this post, I decided to interview the active, sweet and savage Supreme Helper – DavidTheHFSavage!

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The Help Force Vibes – Chimkin

Welcome to a new blog segment where I interrogate ask troops and staff in HF some questions of what they’re iconic by! Everyone has a certain thing they’re known by, and it can either be endearing or insulting. FOR EXAMPLE WHY TF AM I THOUGHT OF AS A HIPPO >:( There’s plenty of other better looking animals! They say its all love, but that’s just lies I tell you. I wouldn’t start off this series by asking someone about why they are related to something they despise. So in today’s post, I am interviewing a friendly junior staff! Continue reading

Veteran’s Lounge: Elpiojo123

ZIPLINE, Scorp’s Office – Welcome to the Veterans Lounge, brought to you by the Cheesiest Demon, The Scorpiest Mac…. MAISIE AND SCORP! The Help Force has been alive for more than four years now. In the these four years, so many people joined our army and left their mark on it. We know them as veterans, or “boomers that been here too long.” Each week we will be interviewing our valued veterans, where they look back on their leadership, sharing memories, advice and secrets (like how to retire)! This week, I had the pleasure of interviewing the literal manifestation of chaos. He shares a priceless secret at the very end of the interview!

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Spill The Tea – Zamb

Welcome to Spill The Tea! A column full of jokes, gossip and entertainment! The eleventh edition of this column, hosted by Delitager, brings Zamb to the spotlight!

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