Food for Every Soul

Hello Helpers! Welcome back to another edition of Food for Every Soul by myself, Mayathefirst! In this series I interview people from the Help Force about their favorite and famous recipes. For this post, I decided to interview the nice, active, sweet, friendly HF Supreme Helper: P.ninja12! 

Food for Every Soul » The Help Force

I started off by asking some questions about the recipe he decided to share with us today!

Welcome to the interview! Can you tell us what recipe you will talk about today? It’s a pancake recipe for ~24 pancakes

Classic Pancakes Recipe -

Can you tell us why this recipe is important to you? Is it a family recipe, and is there any history or story behind it? This recipe was discovered by my grandma and every time she did it was so good, i never ate anything so delicious

Here comes the exciting part, the Recipe! (As explained in detail by!)


» 250 grams of flour

» 1/2 liter of milk

» 3 eggs

» 2 pinches of salt

» 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar

» 1 packet of vanilla sugar

» 1 tablespoon of oil


  1. First stir the eggs and before starting the dough in the frying pan, add a little butter or oil!
  2. Procedure: Add more flour for both; add eggs; add the rest (thousands and add our milk).
  3. If you want: put a little hot water in the mixture and stir well before starting to fry.

Best Classic Pancakes Recipe - I Wash You Dry

Do you have any tips or tricks on making it or why people may like this recipe, or any memories from it? I have good memories sharing this meal with friends and family, memories that I hope never forgetting!

Thank you for doing this interview for us! No no, thank you for this amazing moment and to let me share this with other fellow penguins

With that, we’ve reached the end of the post. I know you wanted to read more XD but I will be back next time with more fresh and delicious content. If anyone would like to share a recipe with us, DM me with your ideas!

Bon Appetit! <3

Keep Unleashing The Power Of Helping!


Help Force Second In Command


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