Salutations, Help Force Helpers!!
Today, we logged on to CPABattleground, Stadium, for the Barbie Girl event. We did some forms and tactics led by the amazing Geo and VC led by the sweetheart Ru. Of course, the main star is our lovely commander Beasto for giving us a wonderful performance of the original and classic Barbie Girl by Aqua. Thanks to all the Helpers who logged on and attended the event!!
MAX: 24+
(credits to Icequeen)
Max Picture:
(credit to Jo)
Keep Unleashing the Power of Helping!
Major General
Filed under: Best CP Army, Club Penguin Army, EU, Event Posts, Help Force Army, Help Force Club Penguin, Help Force CP, HF CP, Official Events Tagged: | Beasto HF, Helpers Barbie Event, Lucifer HF, Ru HF
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