Double Trouble – Dhanush and PinguMaliz

Bello Helpers!! No need to panic; your favorite Double Trouble hosts are still hungry and mining. I, your ex-host, have returned with a bang. I successfully kidnapped the guests while “Elp the Greatest” was blissfully unaware. They were recently welcomed into the staff team and have been working hard ever since. Double Trouble has been a highly popular blog for Help Force, and it has brought these two closer on many levels. Without further ado, we welcome our dynamic duo team Dhanush and PinguMaliz to the trouble podium!!


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Double Trouble: Scorp and Ru

Helloo there you lovely helper!! Welcome to the latest edition of your favourite blog, Double Trouble. The series where Dhanush and PinguMaliz hunt out the besties of Help Force, interview them, and test how much they know about each other. For this week we’re interviewing an awesome dynasty duo, they are both cabinet secretary in HF and amazing friends. Of course, I am talking about Scorp and RU!

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Heyya folks, looks like everyone was down for some family time this Saturday! First, we all assembled on CPAB, and Commander Jo ensured that all 18 penguins did not cause too much mayhem. Then we raided BEASTO’s igloo for some warm time and a hilarious trivia game (an HF tradition). Thank you to Foxy and Enderlemon for recording this memorable event and leading our family with their amazing voices.

MAX: 18+

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Double Trouble – Roast Goose and Archana

Helpers, Bello! I hope everything is going well for everyone and that you’re making some excellent friends (if you don’t, this series will cease to exist). I, Ru, am back with another episode of our blog, Double Trouble! In this series, we interview two friends to learn more about what makes their friendship so great. For this addition, we have Plotter and Archana with us who legit made me want a friend like them. Who do you think makes this duo crazier?

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Double Trouble – Ally and rev

Helpers, Bello! I hope everything is going well for everyone and that you’re making some excellent friends (if you don’t, this series will cease to exist). I, Ru, am back with another episode of our blog, Double Trouble! In this series we interview two friends to learn more about what makes their friendship so great. This time, Ally and Rev join us from their respective sickbeds. Do not judge their answers, they used their last two brain cells to answer my questions. Who do you believe is the bully among this duo?


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Double Trouble – Scorpion Demon and Desireus

Editor’s Note: This post has been heavily edited to remedy the writer’s absolute lack of writing skills and grammar. 

Bello Helpers! I hope that things are going well for you and you’ve met tons of new friends already. This week, we are back with Double Trouble, in which we interview two people who often cause trouble together. I’m Ru, the former Admiral and the current Cabinet Secretary! I am carrying out Dhanush (rip) and PinguMaliz’s will to keep this trending blog alive. We are joined today by the dynamic team known as Scorpion Demon and Desireus. How did they become friends? Are they chaotic or only about cars?


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Heyya Helpers, if you heard that we were attacked on CPAB – Icebreaker by Army of Club Penguin impersonated as Monsters to scare us during our slumber party, you heard it right. Imagine you had a long slavery day working at the mines and you lie your back on a nice warm bed and suddenly get attacked. But not to worry because our commander Wynn came to the rescue and scared them off.

Do you think our allies got possessed? Or was it because today is Friday the 13th?

Comment below if you got attacked and what do you think about it?!

MAX: 20+

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Double Truffle Fashion Igloo Contest

Hey guys, we recently hosted the Double Truffle Fashion Igloo contest which briefly had two parts. All helpers started to grind for coins but CPR anyway made it easy giving out codes and doubling the coins during mining. All the contestants were really enthusiastic as well as their creativity and imagination were remarkable. I can say this without a doubt that career fields like architecture and interior designing would not be a bad choice for them.

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Hello Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for a huge puffles takeover! Before we moved to have fun in other rooms, we did some tactics at Town. Thank you for leading Diwix, RU, Alex, Yoda and Plotter!

MAX: 39+ 

Comment below if you attended the event!

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Greetings everyone! On Sunday we logged onto CPR for the Ascent OPERATION: HEREDITARY! At the event, we waddled around multiple rooms for fun and preparation for the AUSIA Tournament! The event was a great success! Thank you everyone for coming, thank you Mandal, Ivelkov, RU, Scorpion Demon, Desireus, and ROOBOO for leading, and congratulations to all the new promotions!

MAX: 28+

Comment below if you attended!

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