Hey Helpers! today we logged on to Club Penguin Rewritten Abominable server for a fun practice battle + igloo raids with our brother allies the Army of Club Penguin!  Thank you Nell, Joe, Maya, Snowy, Ru, and Rooboo for leading, and thanks you all for attending!

MAX: 25+

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Hello there amazing Helpers! Today we logged on Ascent of club penguin rewritten for a Boom Box party event, We did some wonderful tactics and formations in town and then in night club led by Maya, Ru and Snow. it was followed by an amazing Roblox event led by Desireus! Thank you all for attending 😀 until Next time!

MAX: 34+

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Hello Helpers! Today we logged on to Club Penguin Rewritten, Ascent server for an Igloo Raid event! we did some amazing tactics and forms in Town, then went through everyone’s igloos. Thank you Nell, Joe, Wynn, Rooboo, and Ru for leading, and thank you all for attending!

MAX: 43+

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Greetings Helpers! Today we logged on Club Penguin Rewritten to have our lifeguard-themed event and a bit of battle training as well! Everyone got into their lifeguard vests and did various tactics through Town, Iceberg, Snow Forts and lastly ended at Stadium. Huge thanks to our leaders today Vedant, Ru, Mandal, Scorp, Desireus and Amy. Thank you to all who attended today, see you all in the next one!

Max: 38+

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Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto Server – Zipline on CP Rewritten for a Watermelon themed event, in our new edition of the special Gameday that we do in HF! Led by Ru, Maya, Wynn, Amy and Desireus, it was evidently filled with many fruit-related tactics as well as ones related to Harry Styles. After practising quite some formations, with emotes and tactics, we all got to participate in a Dance Contest on CP Rewritten following it! Until next time Helpers, and see ya all for sure at the Semi-Finals this Sunday in the Legend’s Cup against Ice Warriors!

Max: 44+

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Hello everyone! Today we logged onto CPR for the grapest event of the month! We practised fast tactics and formations at Town, Lighthouse and Inside Mine. Out grape costumes and goose tactics made the event truly memorable. It was also followed by our monthly Overtime Day celebrations! Congratulates Alex on winning the fight and thank you Wynn, Maya, RU, Desireus and Absolute for leading!

MAX: 41+

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Hey Helpers! Today we all logged onto CP Rewritten on Server – Ascent for another Branch Battle of Team Fire vs Team Water. Team Fire was led my Ru, Amy and Yoda while Team Water was led by Desireus, Sam and Snowflake. It was once again one with fast formations and sassy tactics thrown at each other by either side with Team Water claiming another victory by winning two rooms and drawing one of them. Until next time, where we see you all at many more Big Events, Battles and Games, and of course, all the matches in the most awaited Legends Cup XI, starting this Saturday!

Max: 41+

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Know Your Ally – Red Ravagers

Hey guys! Welcome back to the beloved HF column: Know Your Ally! A series to learn and know more about our wonderful allies! Today, we’re interviewing another of our allies,

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Greetings Fam… Today we encountered another amazing yet green beans event which was [AUSIA] OPERATION: GO GREEN.
We all logged on to CPRewritten – Ascent to show our appreciation for Mother Nature.

The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.
-Lady Bird Johnson

Jayden, Mandal, Scorp, Diwix, and RU led us as we waddled around Town, Coffee shop, Snowforts, plaza, and lastly Forest!
Have a glance at the greenery below and make sure to join our next event for more fun!

MAX: 49+

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Howdy Helpers…Well well well wasn’t this such an awesome event!
We all logged on to Club Penguin Rewritten – Zipline where everyone was so excited for this day followed by a Trivia Game. The event was lead by Ayan where we waddle around to different rooms around the Island. The Trivia had 3 rounds which were related to:

        • Club Penguin
        • Help Force
        • Miscellaneous questions followed by bonus rounds. 

The Trivia was conducted by all the staff where the competitiveness just leads to a lot of fun and laughter. Noticing this being one of the wonderful instances of how the troops bond with each other making it cherishable 💖

And OF COURSEE.. It ended with everyone screaming their names out of CPR screens so have a glance at it below! 

MAX: 66+

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