Hi helpers!! Welcome to the latest edition of your favourite blog, Double Trouble. The series where Dhanush and PinguMaliz hunt out the besties of Help Force, interview them, and test how much they know about each other. For this week, we brought to you the ex-staff duo of Zenishira and Fera (aka Ender), shortly put Zender!
Welcome to the Double Trouble Zenishira and Fera!
Zenishira: Hi, Dhanush. Thanks for having us!
Fera: yes hi again :3
It’s amazing to have yall with us.. So how do you guys feel being here? It’s Fera’s second time so no pressure for her?
Fera: just hoping i dont die this time 🙏 nah but im glad to be back fr
Zenishira: I’m helping my family this Christmas, just recently I’ve cut some cow meat, my mother is preparing the food and my dad is cutting Ol’ Bessie’s bones with his axe.
And Ender got superglue on her hands.
(Its true tho this keeps happening)
Zenishira: Now I’m taking a break to heat myself up, it’s cold in the shed…
That’s interesting to hear again Fera. You wanna share how you managed to do it?
Fera: the superglue?? 😭
Zenishira: She tried using glue on her Hatsune Miku figurine and now her hands are full of glue. Don’t worry, she has acetone.
Or nail polish…
Fera: why is bro telling my life story for me
Zenishira: I mean I told my story.
Fera: yeah yeah
So how about you tell us how you guys first met each other?
Fera: Zen will probably explain it in great detail
Zenishira: Okay, so me and Ender go way back, I treated her the same as any other troop back then. I asked her to join events and such. She was pretty on and off too, joining as a Junior staff, then retiring. However, this year, she started becoming more interested in me. I was streaming Super Mario Sunshine, she joined the stream and caught me playing badly. She said something among the lines of “haha skill issue” and I got mad at her, I then apologized saying that it was 1 AM, but still…
After that moment, we started DM-ing each other frequently.
Fera: i didnt get interested in you i was just bored 12 hours of the day and i spent those in vc, where you happened to be streaming mario
anyways yeah ive been bullying him ever since trust 🙏
Zenishira: She’s not a bully.
Fera: 😔
Zenishira: If you were truly a bully, I wouldn’t have enjoyed your company, I hate bullies.
Fera: ok nerd
Zenishira: ☝️ 🤓
So did you guys have any first impressions of each other?
Fera: well first first impressions were uh scary staff member guy
but after spending 12 hours a day in vc with him after a while i started realizing he was pretty chill (if you dont annoy him too much)
Zenishira: Initially I thought she was a goblin. She still is, but she’s the kind of goblin you can pet.
Fera: ???????????????????????????????
okay then
Zenishira: Do not let her near your gold stash in Clash of Clans.
hes right tho fr
dont let me near any shiny things actually
Zenishira: I don’t even remember the last Town Hall I reached…
The game’s too much of a grind for me.
Fera: real
Zenishira: But still, balloons are OP, holy…
Fera: im still in a clan i joined in primary school 🔥
Haha thats interesting.. What are the qualities you both admire about each other? What is one thing you would change about the other?
Fera: well he doesnt give a shit what others say about him and stays himself no matter what, thats something i wish id be able to do lmao 😭 also he can be dead serious when he needs to be despite being the silliest fucker most of the time
in terms of changing anything… make him snore less loud 🙏Zenishira: As a matter of fact, I sometimes do give a shit about what others tell me, I just don’t show it.
Fera: true but thats still better then me
Zenishira: I appreciate that she’s open to discussion, like we can talk about many things without any issue, most of the time. She’s also down to play most of the games I choose to play or watch movies that I choose to watch until she gets bored…
The things I would change about her? Honestly, she could be more open, more carefree, less fearful or anxious. I know I am those things myself, we’re trying to get past that together.
Fera: bro tells the chronic oversharing yapper to be more open 😭
Zenishira: You still have many things you keep hidden from me, but I will respect your boundaries.
Do you guys have any favourite memories with each other?
Zenishira: – Watching the OG Teen Titans after she told me that she grew up with Teen Titans Go (🤢 )
– Playing Terraria (even though we barely made it past Hardmode)
– Playing Buckshot Roulette with Rye from WV, and some other randos we found from the online lobbies (we made them ragequit)
– Protectors of the Forest, we enacted several scenes from Finding Nemo, she probably still has the recording.
– Playing Heroes of Might and Magic III (Great game, but she claims it has a high learning curve. I can understand that)
– Watching The Matrix together (goated movie, we’ve also seen the bloopers where Keanu Reeves tripped on set xD)
– Spending more than 22 hours in VC, and sleeping through it all.Fera: dude we spent sm time in vc together lemme think
i mean watching teen titans was a shit ton of fun, also helping zen make cp armies in infinite craft and then we made the entire server into the nerd emoji(in the same night), i mean really it was all great
(it’s long but very funny indeed)
Zenishira: ^This is the Nemo event we had in POF
You know, my small archer army…
Fera: it was genuinely the most fun ive ever had during any army event i was laughing my ass off
Zenishira: Yeah, too bad I deleted the entire server… I know, I should’ve archived it
Fera: you shouldve dude
waking up to it being gone was truly a tragedy
Zenishira: Well, at least we have the Help Force!
Fera: i had a whole event planned and everything 😔
Zenishira: Oh and our rules were told by Goku.
Like, Goku made the rules, for (almost) every number there is a Goku rule.
Zenishira: Sincerely though, imagine POF still being a thing today, it would probably be a S/M army, sure, but history would have looked different…
Fera: true true, at least the uniforms still in cpab
plus it lives on in the hearts of many fr
Zenishira: I love the POF uniform, it’s so creative!
Fera: … you made it urself
Zenishira: I know, I just want to give myself some praise.
Fera: slay
Love those memories!! Do u have any nicknames for each other?
Fera: oh yeah chat room chum 2 from like a teen titans episode
but outside of nerd and prevciously chat room chum 2 not really id say
Zenishira: I mostly call her Ender, even though most call her Fera.
Fera: most call me ender tbh
Zenishira: It’s either or, flip a coin. Most know me as Zen or Zenishira.
Fun fact, her name doesn’t come from the lemon fruit, but rather from a lemon flavored drink she used to enjoy. There’s a whole post made about it.
Describe each other with 5 emotes and explain what they mean
Zen after i interrupt him
🤓 speaks for itself
🗣️ yapper (more so than me)
(yes i had this prepared)
Fera: fucking ratatui and amogus 💀
If y’all ever met IRL… Where would it be?
Fera: romania 🔥 cuz im rich (not really)
also i have to destroy romania anyways so like might as well
Zenishira: Probably in Bucharest, maybe I’ll show her some parks or something, maybe give her a tour around the Old Town area where the Cafe’s are. Or, who knows, maybe eat some McDonalds with her.
Nah, defo Jerry’s Pizza. (not sponsored).
Fera: aleks said bucharest is great for shopping too 🔥
who the fuck is jerry
Zenishira: The same guy behind Jerry’s Bait Shop. You know the place.
Fera: NO
Zenishira: I’m sorry Ender, but the Weird Al Albuquerque brainrot is eating me from the inside.
I need help…
Fera: no shit ur only realizing that now
Zenishira: They started using Everything You Know Is Wrong and the Weird Al Show’s theme.
Fera: might need uh knee surgery to fix it
maybe as soon as tomorrow
Okay if yall go in a cafe/restaurant…Who’s going to be paying the bill? are they gonna pay the next time aswell?
Zenishira: 50/50
Fera: me cuz im the least broke
or that
Zenishira: I mean, at least she makes money.
Fera: minimum wage job my beloved
Zenishira: Sis can cook
What cartoon characters like Disney, Pixar anime, etc do you think the other is?
Fera: this dude
looks terrifying and angry at all times but is actually chill
Zenishira: Okay first thing that popped out of my mind.
And to be frank, if that’s the case, then I am Ralph.
Fera: very valid choice
cant even argue
Zenishira: Because I may be a bad guy but I am not a bad guy!
Do you both have a common favourite song/genre which yall love to vibe on
Fera: dont say weird al.
Zenishira: I usually listen to video game OSTs, Tracker Music, old Rock and Rap from the 80s and 90s.
Fera: ig not really i just mostly be vibing to my miku music
(he is currently singing the entirerty of that fucking song in my ears please save me)
Hahaha so before we end would you guys like to share/tell anything to our wonderful readers who love both of you <3
Fera: i just nearly choked on my lasagna and died
(im not even kidding)
Zenishira: You should perform the Heimlich maneuver on yourself.
Fera: no im fine now
Zenishira: Hello, fine, I am Zenishira!
Fera: … i give up
Zenishira: No, but seriously guys, make a friend from Help Force if you ever get the chance. Heck, you can even make friends outside of Help Force, have them play old games with you, watch cartoons with you, joke about your own existence on this blue marble and whatever fancies your funny bone.
Fera: yes friends are great thats why ive been here twice
i love friends
Thank you very much, Fera and Zen for being here with us! <3
Yes thank you SO very much it was an absolutely lovely interview. And I will never forgive Goku for banning League of Legends from POF >:(. But moving on, it is clear these two are truly besties, but will that translate to a good score on the Double Trouble Friendship Test? Well, that’s what we are about to find out. I asked our interviewees 6 random questions they were to answer both for themselves and what they think the other person said. First off, we’ll take a look at Fera’s answers, and how well Zenishira guessed them.
Would you rather explore a cave or an abandoned house?
Fera: Abandoned house definitly
Zenishira: She would probably also answer with “house”. I don’t think she fancies nature that much.
Silver or gold (in general, not jewellery)?
Fera: Um.. imma say gold
Tough one tho
Zenishira: Probably also gold, due to its value.
Which one of these would you rather eat? A spoon of hot sauce, a spoon of mayonnaise, or a chunk of raw onion?
I habe mayonnaisd next to me rn
Zenishira: Well she did tell me to “get a higher tolerance to spice” back when I ate some Shawarma all by myself… I think she’d also choose the hot sauce. Huh, so far I’ve been assuming that Ender would choose the same things as me.
Which one of these would you rather do for a day? Not using your hands for anything, speaking only in questions, or walking backwards everywhere?
Fera: Walking backwards man i barely go anywhere anyways
Zenishira: Speaking only in questions
Which of these hobbies would you pick up if time and money weren’t an issue? painting or drawing, learning a new instrument, gardening or growing your own food or travelling and photography?
Zenishira: As for Ender, she will choose to learn how to draw.
If you could only decorate your home in one style, what would it be? Modern and minimalistic, rustic and cozy, eclectic and colourful or vintage and classic?
Fera: Idk ig colorful and eclectic cuz id just shove my house full of merchandise and art
Zenishira: And Ender would probably do the same [modern, minimalistic], for the same reasons, hopefully [“So that I can find my shit easily”].
Half right! Could be better, could be worse. Time to see what Zenishira has answered!
Would you rather explore a cave or an abandoned house?
Zenishira: An abandoned house. A cave is objectively more dangerous, the house is miles better. Even though it might hide a serial killer, a crackhead or whatnot. Compared to a bear or a wolf from a cave, I would have a chance against a serial killer or a crackhead, a small one but at least it’s not zero.
Fera: Zen would prolly say cave tbh
Silver or gold (in general, not jewellery)?
Zenishira: Gold.
Because of its value
And because I like Pokemon Gold better than Silver, Aathough strangely, I like Lugia more than Ho-Oh. I would’ve chosen Silver based on the fact that it’s the better electrical conductor.
Fera: Zen will most likely also say gold
Which one of these would you rather eat? A spoon of hot sauce, a spoon of mayonnaise, or a chunk of raw onion?
Zenishira: Am I allowed milk afterwards?
(yes you are cause I’m nice)
Then definitely hot sauce. Had it not been for the milk, I would’ve chosen the mayonnaise.
Fera: Zens def gonna say onion he freaky like that
Which one of these would you rather do for a day? Not using your hands for anything, speaking only in questions, or walking backwards everywhere?
Zenishira: Speaking only in questions, duh.
I will find a way to make people understand me.
In fact, it would be pretty much like using the “Valley Girl” accent so many annoying Youtubers use.
I will sound effeminate, but at least I can choose to use my hands and I can choose to walk backwards everywhere.
Wait, for a day?
Give me something fucking harder, come on!
Fera: For zen idk def not the first one, probably also walking backwards
Which of these hobbies would you pick up if time and money weren’t an issue? painting or drawing, learning a new instrument, gardening or growing your own food or travelling and photography?
Zenishira: Out of all of these, for me, gardening and growing my own food seems the most practical of them all
Yeah, I know I ain’t the type to learn how to grow my own food and get dirty but still…
Fera: Yk what i think zen might say the same, painting or drawing as well
If you could only decorate your home in one style, what would it be? Modern and minimalistic, rustic and cozy, eclectic and colourful or vintage and classic?
Zenishira: Modern, minimalistic. So that I can find my shit easily
Fera: Now what the fuck did zen pick
I have NO idea what hes gonna say
Like im lost here
Random guess is rustic and cozy
Cuz idk
Well, I hope you at least got to know each other a little bit better from this. It is okay though! We still love you both <3 And from the interview, we know for sure you both are vibing. The combined score of the Zender duo is 33 %! We hope you liked today’s post and will see you next time when we get to know a new pair of besties!
Much love,
Filed under: Best CP Army, Club Penguin, Club Penguin Army, Double Trouble, Help Force Army, Help Force Club Penguin, Help Force CP, Help Force CPJ, HF CP, HF CPJ, HF of CP, Web Series Tagged: | Club Penguin, Club Penguin Help Force, Club Penguin HF, Dhanush, Dhanush HF, Double Trouble, Double Trouble HF, Ender, Ender HF, Enderlemon, Enderlemon HF, Fera, Fera HF, Help Force, Help Force Double Trouble, HF, PinguMaliz, Zenishira, Zenishira HF
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