Heyya Helpers, if you heard that we were attacked on CPAB – Icebreaker by Army of Club Penguin impersonated as Monsters to scare us during our slumber party, you heard it right. Imagine you had a long slavery day working at the mines and you lie your back on a nice warm bed and suddenly get attacked. But not to worry because our commander Wynn came to the rescue and scared them off.

Do you think our allies got possessed? Or was it because today is Friday the 13th?

Comment below if you got attacked and what do you think about it?!

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Unleash The Power Of Helping!

4 Responses

  1. i attended

  2. I attended. Thanks for hosting 😀

  3. Getting attacked was fun. It reminds me of how Choco attacks me.

  4. Ronny attended

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