Yet Another Roxy Expose Post

This is Yet Another Roxy Expose Post (this is trademarked). Roxy has been exposed many times, and now it’s time to expose her again.

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Hello everyone! Yesterday we logged on CPAB to have a Judged Practice Battle against our brother allies, Army of Club Penguin! Thanks to Jo for leading us and thank you all for attending the Battle! Salutations, Comrades

Max: 15+

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Roxy’s Dark Side

Roxy seems like a fun, loving staff member; however, she has a dark side that you do not want to see. Whenever she isn’t welcoming someone to the army or chatting away, she is murdering and bullying innocent people. Here is Roxy’s dark side.

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Hello Helpers! Yesterday, we logged on CPAB, Stadium for a 5 all out armies Battle Royal that turned into a Joint event! Thank you BEASTO, Zenishira and the other armies event leaders for leading the event! Thanks to everyone for attending the event!

Max: 20+

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Hello Helpers, today we logged on CPAB and fought our brother allies, the Army of Club Penguin as part of the first phase of the February Training Camp. Thanks to everyone who attended the event and kudos to Zenishira and Beasto for leading the event!

Max: 19+

Comment below if you attended!

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Roxy Cheats on Mocha

Roxy has betrayed her long-term wife, deciding to marry Jo. To make matters worse, Choco was a possible candidate, and she blatantly rejected him. This is the story of how Roxy cheated on Mocha.

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Army of Club Penguin Coups a Tax Fraud

The Army of Club Penguin falls into a dark time as a tax fraud gets couped from leadership. AustinTaxFraud is awaiting trial, where he will hopefully face a life sentence in snake jail.

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Animal Interview – AI Noa

Hey Helpers! Welcome to another post of the Animal Interview, in which I interview the Helpers about their pets and get to know more about them.

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Tax Fraud Commits Murder

Devastation sweeps through the motherland as a tax fraud charges through the bodies of his prey. Several people have been killed by this beast, while others have been crippled by the monster’s cruel attacks. We will not rest until this tax fraud is locked up.

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Today, we got our Christmas cheer on as we battled ACP and PIC in a 3-way battle. We absolutely obliterated the other 2 armies, leaving them permanently on the naughty list. We then had some cookies in secret, hiding them from Santa Elp. Comment below if you came!

Max: 16+

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