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Sapphires Shop and new Promotion System

Hello Helpers! We hope you’re all as excited as we are because today we’re bringing you some big, long-anticipated news. With CPR closing and a new era on another Club Penguin server starting, we decided it’s the perfect time to begin with the Sapphires Shop and a Promotion system revamp!

Sapphires Shop

From now on, you will be able to exchange all your sapphires for rewards. There are a lot of prizes to choose from, and we are sure that everyone will find something for themselves. Bot money, roles, external emote perms, we have it all! To access the shop, simply use Pavle’s $shop command. Some rewards require only a few events to attend, while others are a lot harder to unlock.

To ensure a stable economy system and a fair competition, we decided to reset all the sapphires. Everyone with 15000 or more was rewarded with an exclusive Sapphires Hoarder role!

Promotion System

Introducing the Sapphires Shop had to be followed by a few other changes. No one needs to decide between higher ranks or shop rewards because we decided to separate sapphires from the promotion system. You will still be collecting sapphires in the old way, but your rank won’t be determined by them. Instead, ranking up will now be subjective and considered a real achievement.


New System

The promotions won’t be happening when you have enough sapphires like before, but only once a week. On Mondays, all the people who were working hard in the past week will be promoted together, based on their efforts and actions. Sometimes, especially at the lower ranks, it will be possible to jump up two ranks, while for the top tier ones like Commodore, promotions may take longer. Note that breaking the rules will be taken into consideration as well.


Ranking Up

Staff will be checking the #promotions channel, weekly sapphires leaderboard, and event posts to see how active everyone was and then reward them accordingly. Don’t forget to react for your sapphires and comment on the event posts that will now be released at the end of each event. Recruiting, hosting, or being helpful and active in the chats may help you get promoted faster. The Gamer of the Week reward remains the same as it was.

The new era starts today! We hope you will all enjoy the shop and yes, it will be expanded in the future to reflect all of Help Force’s needs. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to message a staff member!

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3 Responses

  1. !!!!!

  2. cool.

  3. YAYY

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