Anniversary Art Contest Results

Hello there! As you all (should) know by now, this weeks marks Help Force’s 4th anniversary. The raccoon (i) announced the start of another Art Contest this Monday and now the winners are ready to be revealed!

The theme of the contest was Your favourite HF memory, including both old and new ones. We got some amazing submissions this time, so keep reading to find out what they were, and which ones won! There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize, and rewards for all participants!

1st Place goes to Night (Nightfury#6155), with an amazing animation:

2nd Place goes to Niko (NIKO#3546), with a great representation of our AoA Cup:

3rd Place goes to Plotter (plotter12#6929), with some awesome penguin art:

This can officially be declared as another successful edition of our Art Contests! Congratulations to all of the winners, and thank you everyone for participating!


Help Force Marshal

2 Responses

  1. Tysm for hosting racoco 😀 and ggs

  2. I lost

Your Answer (no email required)