Hey Helpers! Today we logged onto CPR for a Rake Takeover Event! The rooms we did were Town, Inside Mine, and Casa Fiesta; led by Kendall, Monika, and Komal. We did many rake inspired tactics, fabulous bombs, and formations.

MAX: 35+

Make sure you comment below for a promotion!

Thanks for attending this event, Hope to see you at many more.
Keep Unleashing The Power of Helping

13 Responses

  1. I attended!

  2. i made it

  3. I attended

  4. I haven’t commented for a while so I will do it now – TY for hosting!

  5. I attended! -Aerial7

  6. I attended jcn101

  7. I attended and raked my way to victory grr

  8. Thank You For Hosting, Snowflake-soft.

  9. I attended jcn101

  10. attended

  11. I attended

  12. attended!

  13. i attended!!

Your Answer (no email required)