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[EU] Branch Battle

Hey Helpers! On Sunday, we logged onto CPR to have our weekly branch battle!

Room 1: Yellow Chilis entered the room fastest and performed expectional bombs and better forms to beat the opponent in the first room. They defied a lesser max to win against the odds.
Room 2: However, the story changed as Hot Sauce really turned up the heat, excelling in all key categories and sweeping this room clean. This levelled the scores.
Room 3: The Mine Shack saw an equal entrance, with the Chili’s displaying better emoji tactics and Hot Sauce being innovative with words. Overall, Hot Sauce’s bombs were better here and they win the 3rd room.
Room 4: Hot Sauce then stormed into the Book Room with a powerful Hello bomb that tore apart any hopes of the Chili’s winning the room. Team Yellow fought back regardless, and despite better formations and emoji tactics in this room, they were well beaten.
Room 5: Despite Yellow Chilis having a huge max advantage, they still had to work for this win. Yellow Chilis entered well and their word tactics were strong, but Hot Sauce‘s powerful bombs and Emojis once again saw them win the room.

MAX: 20+


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