Double Trouble: Scorp and Ru

Helloo there you lovely helper!! Welcome to the latest edition of your favourite blog, Double Trouble. The series where Dhanush and PinguMaliz hunt out the besties of Help Force, interview them, and test how much they know about each other. For this week we’re interviewing an awesome dynasty duo, they are both cabinet secretary in HF and amazing friends. Of course, I am talking about Scorp and RU!

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It was yet another glorious gracious day in our glorious gracious motherland. However, the day was not so glorious gracious for a certain Junior Staff. Our protagonist, Amealyah, recently moved into the Junior Staff living quarters. Since she is the protagonist, this story is about her.

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Blogger Team Applications Open Now!

With each passing day, the Help Force witnesses the arrival of new troops, the departure of old ones, the promotions and demotions of staff members, daily events, and all of that just to name a few. With wars and practice battles, tournaments and contests always lurking around the corner, the task of recording these events in the history books and producing entertaining content to satisfy the community falls upon the blogger team. But what is blogging, and why should you be a part of the team?

Click to access the Blogger Applications form!

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[AUSIA] Welcome To The Mines + SWATSquash!

ZIPLINE, Help Force Capital – Greetings Comrades! On 9th October, 2022, we logged on for a unique event that occurred for the first time in Help Force history. Today, we hosted an event exclusively to welcome the newly inducted batch of Junior Staff! The event plans got disrupted midway through when a SWAT guy accidentally walked into the room. Needless to say, the troop was dealt with in an appropriate fashion and the event turned out to be lots of fun for everyone!

MAX: 17+

Comment your Discord name and rank below if you attended!

Every army that HF declares war on be like:

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The Most Based Staff Member Retires

ZIPLINE, HF Capital – Sadness has dawned upon our glorious gracious motherland as the most based person of the staff team announced his retirement. Help Force Admiral Diwix stepped down from Staff rank on 10 September 2022 after more than a year of service as a Staff member.

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SWAT Memes Compilation – Best Of The Hundred

ZIPLINE, Scorp’s Office – The time to compile the best entries from #swat-memes has come now that the war on SWAT has ended in a Help Force victory. While all the troops made an incredible effort showcasing their humor, some of the entries just outshone the rest. Here’s my personal list of the best ones!

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Nervous Wick

It was one of those boring, sleepy days in the Help Force. People were dozing off, helmets were left unpolished, and some staff members were nibbling on some stale popcorn as they longed for more interesting times. Fortunately the day did not stay like this, because what happened next would be quite memorable. For, my comrades, this is the day that the infamous Nervous Wick incident occurred.

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Stories From The Past – A Forgotten Picture

Zipline, Scorp’s Office – Another glorious gracious day in our glorious gracious motherland. Once again, I found myself perusing the old content on the website, in search of some ideas. Why bother coming up with something original, when your original content matches the old stuff anyways, right?

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Top Five Web Posts – August 2022

ZIPLINE, Scorp’s Office – As we wave goodbye to August, we take a look at the Top Five Web Posts of the month. Which post took the #1 spot?

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HF Insight: The Preparation of Food Battles

Hey Helpers! Welcome to HF Insight!


Table of Contents

  • What’s been Happening
  • Week in Short
  • Scorp’s GOTW Statement
  • Army Statistics for the Week
  • HF Insight Insider Information

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