What To Do During Stampcruitment Segments

Hey Helpers! Stampcruitment Segments are something our creator Ayan introduced upon our moving to CPATG. I’m sure there’s some confusion surrounding what they are, what you should do, and how they’re beneficial! 
I’m here to clear that all up for you.
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CPR December Catalog Guide

Hey there Helpers! It has come to my attention, that a lot of you have been asking about the catalog secrets. So from now on, each month I will release all the catalog secrets!

Read on for a guide on getting all of the catalog secrets!

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Destructive7's Stupendous Stamp Scavenging Guide! Part 2


Hey everyone! May the [Help] Force be with you! I got some amazing feedback on my last post and I’m simply awed by everyone’s happiness! This is really inspirational to me and so, I’m making this post! Ta-da! Anyways, this guide is going to be a bit lengthier than my previous post because unlike Thin Ice, other CPO mini-games are almost always randomised except for a select few. I’m really excited about this mini-game because its really fast and if you can get all the stamps, you can increase your coin profits by a lot! Anyways, let’s get this bread!
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Destructive7's Stupendous Stamp Scavenging Guide! Part 1

Introducing A New Series

Hey everyone! Spread the joy of Helping! This is the beginning of a new series of posts and guides that will be showing you how to maximise the number of stamps you can get in games in Club Penguin Online! Please note that these are only Game StampsEvent, Party, and Mascot Stamps have their own guides. Since this is a really new series, we’re going to start with some basics!
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Help Force Battle Techniques

Hey Helpers! When in battle there are a few techniques that are used to create a strong defense. In the Help Force, the main techniques we use include Waterfall, Tornado, Explosion, and Bomb. To break it down this is what each technique means:

  • Waterfall: Run up and down whilst repeating a tactic.
  • Tornado: Run clockwise (in circles) whilst repeating a tactic.
  • Explosion: Run around the room from one area, whether it’s piling up in the corner or gathering in the bleachers, whilst repeating a tactic.
  • Bomb: Run around the room whilst repeating a tactic, most commonly used when Joke Bombing. Remember to press J once.

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How To: Igloo Raids

Welcome to the Tutorials of Events. Today we take a look at one of the exciting events called Igloo Raids.

The HF hosts amazing events like the igloo raids.For Igloo Raids an announcement is given 24 Hours or earlier. In that announcement we are given a form! In that form we are required to say our Penguin name to make identifying easier. When the event starts it is usually the first person who filled the form in. one of the reasons for an Iggy Raid was so we could get the 30 Penguin Igloo Party Stamp!

The event is normally hosted by the Mother Cow of HF CPO Spotty.

The process is as follows:-

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The QUICKEST way to get COINS!?

In this post, you will read about the quickest and most profitable way to get coins and you will get you through the journey of analyzing and researching! I know, there is already a post about this, but I get a lot more in depth and do not just refer all the money-making ways. Here is the link of the other post if you want to read it: https://hfofcpo.com/2019/01/23/cponline-guide-coins/

Pro Tip: You can just read the summary of every part of the article if you don’t have time reading the whole. Continue reading

CPO Guide: How to Get Better at Hide and Seek

Hey Helpers! Do you struggle with finding good hiding spots for Help Force Hide and Seek Tournaments? Do the seekers find your hiding spot way too quick?

If this is a common occurrence then, please continue reading! I am going to crack down the different strategies and offers tips to ensure that you can maximize the number of points you earn, and possibly even win!

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CPOnline Guide: Want more friends on CPO?

Are you feeling lonely on CPO?
Would you like to have a few friends or have some more friends than you already have but don’t know how to?
Fear not! I have gathered a few tips to ensure that you have a small or big circle of friends, whichever you prefer!

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How To: Recruitment Segments

Hey there! Welcome to the How To! Today we are gonna learn about recruitment segments.

What are Recruitment Segments?
Well, Recruitments Segments are probably how you joined the HelpForce, a bunch of helpers wear their uniform and invite you! (oh and you get points, but that isnt important, is it?)

Let’s take a look at what you need to do in a recruitment segment!

A Recruitment Segment starts with an announcement as shown below:

Version 2

A Recruitment Segment is always hosted by a Moderator or a Leader and usually is announced within 1 to 3 hours before it starts.

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