Greetings everyone! On this special Saturday we all gathered on CPA Battleground to bid me farewell, as I retired from the Commander position after nearly a year of service. It was a very touching moment with lots of gratitude expressions and laughs. Thank you to everyone who came and all those who couldn’t but were thinking about us. New leaders will be appointed soon and I’m sure there are great things awaiting them. Good luck, I hope you are all excited about this amazing new adventure!

I also want to congratulate everyone who was inducted to the Hall of Fame – Zenishira, Selene, Elia, Bean, Jo and NIKO as Power Troops, and Snowy and Wynn as Icons!

MAX: 51+

Comment below if you came!

Unleash the Power of Helping!
Help Force (former) Commander

One Response

  1. You really think you’re Retiring Wynn? Remember you signed a contract so you mustn’t retire :needhelp:
    I wish I could’ve made it though :hug:

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